As the wife of a maintenance technician, I have learned over the years the importance of changing air filters for your HVAC system on a regular basis. Especially in our family, where hubby is extremely sensitive to smells and allergens in the air. We change ours approximately once a month. Hubby likes to say that if I cleaned more often he wouldn’t have to change the air filter so often. I told him that was not something that was going to change anytime soon!
In reality, for a “normal” home (which ours definitely is not), changing your air filters should be done every three months. A great time to change your filters is at the turn of each season, or by incorporating it into your spring cleaning and winterizing your home routine. happens to be one of the leading filter replacement providers online. You’ve got to take a moment to check out their website. I’ll wait … you’re back already? Did you see that?
They have over 600 types of air and furnace filters of different types and sizes. I cannot imagine anyone not being able to find the filter that they need on the website! All of their filters are made in the USA, and your order ships within 24 hours. There is a $5 flat fee for shipping (regardless of whether you order 1 filter or 20 filters), and all orders over $75.00 ship free!
Air Filters by MERV
I love that they show you the MERV rating for each filter as well. If you have not heard the term before, it stands for Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value and it was developed by the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioner Engineers to help you gauge the efficiency of your filter. Basically, the values vary from 1 to 16 and the higher the MERV is, the better the filter is at trapping airborne particles. Here is a breakdown of each of the ratings from the website. All are made in the USA and are Underwriters Laboratories U.L. Class 2.
The AFB Bronze’s MERV 6 filters are many times more effective at capturing small particles than ordinary fiberglass filters. It is also very effective at filtering potential allergens like dust, mold, pet dander, etc. The AFB Bronze MERV 6 filter can work effectively in your furnace for up to three months.
Smoke, dust, dander, mold—none of that stuff stands a chance against the powerful electrostatic charge of the AFB Silver MERV 8 filter. In fact, this MERV 8 filter is up to 20 time more effective than ordinary fiberglass filters at capturing very small particles. It will not support the growth of mold, fungus, or mildew. And it can work effectively for up to three months.
Its pleats are what make the AFB Gold MERV 11 filters so effective. It captures very fine particles such as smoke, mold, dust, dander, etc.—while creating optimal air flow. The AFB Gold MERV 11 filters will not support the growth of mildew, mold or other microorganisms, while capturing allergens at a rate about 30 times higher than standard filters. And it will work effectively for up to three months in your furnace.
The most effective filter they offer, the AFB Platinum MERV 13 filters utilizes an electrostatic charge to remove very fine particles from the air in your home, as well as potential allergens like mold, pet dander, bacteria—even particles that carry viruses. In fact, the MERV 13 filters are over 30 times better at removing particles as small as one micron than standard fiberglass filters. And it will work effectively for as long as three months. This particular filter will earn points toward certification in the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) green building program.
A family-owned and operated business since 1958, is headquartered in Talladega, Alabama and is dedicated to providing quality, U.S.-manufactured products to their customers. They truly are the leading source for low cost replacement filters for most any filtration device with over 600 pleated furnace filter sizes for more than 40 air filter brands (and growing). If you can’t find the filter you want on their site, contact them!
So if you’re looking to get someone a holiday gift that is useful and keeps on giving every day of the year, order some air filters from! You can connect with them via social media on Facebook, Google+, and Twitter – and tell them Kim at Life in a House of Testosterone sent you!