It doesn’t feel great to be caught up in a completely chaotic situation, where you can’t make heads or tails of what’s going on around you, and where you are constantly struggling against the frightening feeling that everything is spiraling downwards.
There are many situations in life that can cause us to feel lost in chaos in this way – ranging from divorce to the loss of a job, or even just an increased dose of daily responsibility as a result of starting a new hobby or making a change in your career.
There are always things that can and should be done in these situations to help restore a bit of stability, though – whether that means seeking out Mediation Attorneys, reading self-help guides, or trying out different time management systems.
Here are a handful of general-purpose tips for finding a bit of stability amidst the chaos.
1. Safeguard your everyday habits and routines – they can keep you anchored to a sense of normalcy.
When everything around you seems deeply chaotic and confusing, one of the best things you can do may well be to safeguard your normal everyday habits and routines and treat them as if they are made of gold.
While it may seem that something like waking up at the same time every day or following the same routine every evening before bed, might be pretty meaningless in the grand scheme of things – it’s often these small routines and rituals that help to keep us anchored to a sense of normalcy.
In fact, one of the best signs that things are spiraling out of control is when your everyday habits and routines fall apart to a significant degree.
Keep those habits and routines intact, and you’re likely to be a lot better off for it.
2. Strive, every day, to do what it is you find meaningful.
A sense of meaning and purpose is perhaps the primary antidote to the feelings of despair and turmoil that typically come along with being caught up in a chaotic situation.
If things are chaotic all around you, and at the same time you have to deal with the fact that everything you’re doing seems ultimately meaningless, you’re not going to be in a very good place mentally, emotionally, or strategically.
Instead, strive every day to do what it is you find meaningful, to the greatest degree possible. If you can at least end every day feeling like you did one thing that mattered in a big-picture sense, it will help a lot.
3. Engage in certain physical hobbies and activities that help to get you out of your own thoughts.
People tend to be really good at beating themselves up with their own thoughts – and during particularly chaotic and stressful times, it’s often really beneficial to find opportunities to get away from your own thoughts – or at least, to focus on externalities instead.
One excellent way of doing this, in practice, is to engage in physical hobbies and activities on a regular basis. That might mean adhering to a strict exercise routine or repairing an old motorcycle.
Whatever it is you do, though, make sure that it involves you applying your problem-solving skills and determination to something that isn’t directly connected to your own internal troubles.