2017 is upon us and every year, millions of people set resolutions and vow to be better people.
Most fade and burn out within a matter of weeks.
But you’re different. You’re not out to get the body of Ryan Reynolds or become the next Bill Gates.
This year, you simply want to make some more money. And don’t we all?
Earning more money can open up a lot of opportunities for you. Pay off debt, save for your future, or splurge a little on vacations and inessentials.
Whatever the case, it’s a good goal to set.
Below, I’ve outlined 3 ways you can earn more money this year.
Negotiate for a Higher Salary
First on our list is also the most obvious, yet overlooked one – increasing the amount of money you earn from your current job. No side hustle, no extra hours spent, just more cash.
Negotiating for a higher salary gives lots of people anxiety for some reason. They don’t understand that good work should be rewarded with proper pay, or you can always go work somewhere else that will pay you right.
Before you go in and talk to your boss, you should make sure you’re deserving of the higher pay. What work have you done in the past to earn it?
Be confident and have proof of your achievements, and you shouldn’t have a problem walking away with a little extra money for yourself this year.
Build a Website and Productize
Next up is everybody’s favorite – create a website, drive traffic to it, then sell a product you’ve created. That’s obviously an oversimplified version of the entire process, but it’s actually not much harder than that.
Websites are incredibly easy to make using tools such as WordPress. You can basically have one set up in a matter of minutes, you just to spend some time thinking about what subject or area you want to dive into.
Then, driving traffic to it is as easy as guest posting (writing for other blogs) and utilizing a basic search engine optimization (SEO) strategy. There are a number of free SEO tools available that you can use to get started and check your progress.
Once traffic is flowing, you can then focus on building and selling a product to your eager audience.
Productized websites are a great way to earn some extra money this year, if you’re willing to put in a little bit of extra work up front.
Offer a Service
Last but not least, to earn more money you can always offer a service to someone else.
Think mowing the lawn for some extra cash as a teenager. Many people have built lawn care businesses and earn a full-time living from it. So why can’t you do it to earn a few extra bucks?
There is an endless amount of services that you could possibly offer. Think about the things you’re good at and already do anyways.
For example, you could always do freelance work on Upwork for a side hustle as a designer, editor, or copywriter.
Above I’ve listed out 3 ways you can easily earn more money in 2017. Negotiate a raise, sell a product, or offer a service.
Being honest, negotiating a raise is the simplest option. The other two require a little more work and savviness, but certainly pay off in the long run.
Whatever you choose, may your year be full of riches and success.