4 Smart Ways to Reduce Your Utility Bills

Have you noticed a spike in your utility bills since the pandemic? Our electric bill was $310 for one month. Our water bill has gone up as well. There has to be a better way, right?

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Reducing your energy consumption is better for the environment, and it’ll also bring down the cost of your utilities. You can do this by considering alternative energy resources such as solar power. There are also several ways you can minimize your use of gas and electricity. 

Sometimes the best way to reduce your bills is to ensure your home is running in the most efficient way possible. You can achieve this with regular maintenance, or even going smart. Here are four smart ways you can cut back on bills.


One important way to control your utility bills is with regular maintenance. It’s vital to have regular checkups on your HVAC heating element and ensure your furnace is working properly. This could cost you more on expensive repairs, and your heating bills if not.

Go round the house and replace any old light bulbs with LEDs. These are much more energy-efficient. Have an electrician ensure your home is running in the most efficient way possible. With proper maintenance, you’ll be able to stay on top of your utility bills.

Proper Insulation

Another way to reduce your utility bills and run a more sustainable home is with proper insulation. Upgrade all your windows and glass panes to double or triple glazing. This will help protect you from the elements and save a lot on heating or air conditioning. Ensure your roof is well insulated as well. 25% of heat is lost through the roof if it’s not properly insulated. 

Check your caulking and weather-stripping around the house as well. When these start to succumb to wear and tear, they let heat out of the gaps. These foam strips are easy to replace and install, have a look at this simple guide

Go Smart

Running a smart home is much more energy-efficient. You’ll have the control of your thermostat and appliances at all times. You can set smart your entire smart home to timers from your mobile phone and other devices. This way you’ll be able to switch them off when you’re not using them.

More modern appliances are much more energy-efficient so it might be time for an upgrade. Consider it an investment as you’ll waste a lot less energy in the future, and save on your bills. The majority of them will have the option to be “smart” operated as well.

Go Solar

Domestic solar panels have improved significantly in recent years, and are now becoming a trend. More and more homeowners are making the decision to go solar. Solar panels easy to install and set up than you might think. Check out this video tutorial

Not only are solar panels better for the environment but they’re also an investment for your future. By going solar you’ll benefit from tax reductions and solar panels even add value to your home. 

By making a few adjustments, you’ll be able to save a lot of money in the future. Reduce your energy consumption this year, and finally cut back on your utilities. 

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