4 Supplements That Could Improve Your Mental Health

Mental health is such a huge problem right now and we’re only just starting to understand it properly. There was a lot of stigma around mental health in the past and that meant that people didn’t feel comfortable seeking help for their problems. But now that people are more aware of mental health issues and how to recognize them, more people are getting the help that they need. However, there are still a lot of problems with the way that we view mental health and how we treat it. Good mental health isn’t just about seeing a therapist when things get really bad, you need to be constantly managing it so you can stay on top of it and avoid serious problems in the first place.

Stress is a big part of that because so many of us live incredibly busy lives and we don’t get that much downtime. If you don’t learn how to manage that stress properly, it can quickly turn into a more serious mental health problem. Diet is another big factor in mental health that people don’t always consider quite as often, but it has a big impact. If you’re eating a lot of sugar, for example, you’ll get a short rush followed by a big crash and that can impact your mood. A lot of people are also lacking in important nutrients which can impact your mental wellbeing and your energy levels. But even if you’re making an effort to eat well, there is more that you could be doing. There are a lot of great daily supplements that you can take on top of your normal diet to improve your mental health.

B Vitamins

There are 8 different types of B vitamins that play various roles in the body but two of them, B9 and B12 have been linked to depression in some studies. A lack of B9 and B12 vitamins can increase the chance of developing problems with depression so you should try to add them to your diet. This is particularly important for people that have a vegan diet because B12 vitamins are only found in animal products. Fruit and vegetables, grains, and beans are all great sources of vitamin B9.

If you are worried about getting enough vitamin B9 in your diet, you should consider folate supplements (another name for vitamin B9) as they are often suggested as a good treatment for depression. However, it’s important that you consult a doctor first because taking folate can sometimes mask the symptoms of a vitamin B12 deficiency.


CBD oil is so popular right now and people are using it for all sorts of things like pain relief and treating seizures, for example, but it’s also being used to treat anxiety as a lot of people report that it has a calming effect. You might have heard about it in the news because it’s controversial but you may be wondering, what is CBD oil? The reason that it has been so controversial is that it comes from the hemp plant, which is a form of cannabis plant, but it’s not the same as marijuana. It doesn’t have THC, the active ingredient that gets people ‘high’ when they smoke it, it has different properties. At the moment, the research is in its early stages and there is no solid evidence about whether it works to treat anxiety, however, there is a lot of anecdotal evidence to suggest that it does. It comes in a lot of different forms so you can take it as a drop under the tongue or even as a chewy sweet.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 is a wonder ingredient in the health world. It’s been shown to improve heart health, boost brain power, prevent cancer, and increase development in young children. But now new research suggests that it could also be good for helping to improve your mood as well. While the research isn’t conclusive, it suggests that some strains of Omega-3 can help to improve neurotransmitter function in your brain, which has a positive impact on your mood and wellbeing.

The most common source of Omega-3 is in oily fish like sardines and tuna, so adding those to your diet is always a good idea. But some people don’t like fish and there are some concerns about eating too much because certain types of fish contain high levels of mercury which is not good for you. Most of the time, it’s fine unless you’re eating a serious amount of fish but it isn’t good for you if you’re pregnant. If you’re not sure about adding more fish to your diet, you can get fish oil capsules instead. The mercury resides in the flesh of the fish and not the oil so you can see the benefits of Omega-3 without having to worry about the mercury levels.


Zinc is very important for regulating synaptic processes in the brain, so it has a big impact on your mental health. Studies have been done into people that have mental illnesses and it was found that a lot of them had a Zinc deficiency. That’s why Zinc is often used as a treatment for people with mental health problems. There are a lot of good food sources of Zinc like meat, eggs, nuts, and whole grains. But if you have a serious deficiency, it may be worth taking supplements as well. You can easily pick them up from your local pharmacy and they could make a big difference.

4 Supplements for Mental Health

It’s important to remember that these supplements aren’t a magic fix for your mental health. They will make an improvement but if you’re going to look after your mental health properly, it’s important that you combine the supplements with other methods like managing stress properly, exercising regularly, and talking through issues with a professional if you feel as though things are getting on top of you. It’s also best to try to find these vitamins from food sources if you can because you’re getting all of the other valuable nutrients in that food at the same time.

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