5 Simple Ways To Make Your Home More Secure

home security

Everyone wants their home to be as safe as it can be. It is the place where you go to relax and let your guard down, so it is important to know it is as secure as it can be. Making your house more secure and less of a target for burglars doesn’t need to be costly. There could be many signs that your home security isn’t up to scratch, but there are many simple solutions that can put your mind at ease.

keep your home secure
Image by mschiffm from Pixabay

Keep your gardens tidy

This may seem like a strange one, but keeping your garden tidy can be a deterrent to burglars. It can make it look as though there are people around, whereas an untidy garden can suggest that people aren’t home often. 

It also means that there is nowhere for a burglar to hide, and if you put everything away, there will be no tools or equipment left out that may aid the thief with their break-in. 

Keep a light on

Keeping a light on in your home can discourage break-ins because people assume that there is somebody home, even if there isn’t. If you go on holiday, you might want to ask somebody you trust to come around and turn a light on every day, or purchase an indoor light with a timer.

Outdoor lighting with a motion detector can also be an excellent investment. It can put people off entering your property as they will be well lit, and people may see them.

Invest in a home security system

One of the most common ways to secure your home is to purchase a home security system. There are security systems to fit all budgets, and there are even some professional monitoring systems that allow you to pay monthly.

If you can’t afford an alarm system, putting up fake alarm signs on your property can deter burglars from targeting your home. Many don’t want to draw attention to themselves, so they won’t target a home that they believe has an alarm system.

sofa and chair by window
Photo by Lisa Fotios from Pexels

Don’t have your valuables on display

To prevent your home from becoming a target, make sure that you don’t have any valuables on display. This means keeping your electronics away from the window, or covering your window with a blind or net curtain so that people can’t see in. If you have tools and garden equipment, make sure that you lock them away and don’t leave them out in the garden. It can be better to ensure that your home doesn’t stand out on the outside.

Be careful about social media

If you go out or go on holiday, it can be best to wait until you are back to post about it. If your accounts are public or have friends or followers that you don’t know very well, you are letting them know that your home is empty. Although it may not happen, and you think you can trust everyone on your social media, you may be tempting a burglar. Pictures and information about your holidays can always be posted when you return!

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