5 Simple Ways to Saving Money in 2017

We all feel the pinch after Christmas! January and February are often spent trying to recover some of the money we spent over the festive period.

But a new year is a good time to start making a few changes to your finances. Read on for a few small but notable changes you can make in your everyday life that will help you save more.

Plan Ahead: This is a painful task and not an easy one. But at the start of every month make yourself a budget on what you need to spend on bills, social expenses etc and what you want to save. Make this budget your bible and stick to it as much as possible. However, life can be unpredictable and there will be unexpected expenses that you don’t foresee. Therefore, it is vital to have some savings stashed away.

Declutter: A new year equals a new start. Have a good old fashioned clear out and turn those items you bought years ago, and never used into cash. By now you must have heard about or used eBay or Gumtree. These are fantastic free sites you can use to sell your unwanted items. Put that money into your savings account.

Buy Used: When it comes to our retail habits we always tend to buy new items. But the second-hand market is constantly growing. If you search sites like eBay, Gumtree, Freecycle and amazon you can find amazing bargains on preloved items that are still in perfect working condition. Just make sure you don’t spend a fortune on shipping and one way to that is by using https://www.shiply.com. A delivery comparison website.

Shop Around: When it comes to the weekly grocery shop we tend to stick to the same old routine because one supermarket is close by and convenient. But if you shop around and see what other stores are offering you may save yourself a small fortune in the process. Or alternatively, if you buy online make sure you take advantage of websites like Quidco.

Do It Yourself: Do you buy your lunch every day? Well, this is one area in your life were a bit of DIY can save you a small fortune. Start taking a packed lunch to work with you not only will this save you money but it’s also better for your health. Are you spending money on a gym membership you never use? Why not just workout at home or go for runs etc. or make use of offers like class pass and save yourself the wasted monthly fee.

Every small change you make to yourself will add small change to your pocket.

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