5 Things Every Father Should Teach Their Son

Although a father and son relationship should be based on love and respect, a child learns to be an adult mostly through the paternal figure in the household. Here are five useful teaching tips for fathers as their sons embark on that confusing and challenging journey known as adolescence.


Nothing is more exhilarating to a teenager than the freedom of being on the open road. Learning to drive is not only a good learning experience, but also an opportunity for fathers and sons to bond. Fathers should encourage their kids to frequently ask questions about the rules of the road.


Among the many growing pains a teenager may face during adolescence are those stubborn facial hairs that seem to pop in at early puberty. The key to a good shave is to stroke the razor lightly in the direction of the hair growth. Fathers should warn their sons about what can happen when using a razor haphazardly, such as bleeding and rashes. Learning to shave is a great way to teach patience.

Cook a Meal

As the stereotypical masculine and feminine roles in the family unit have slowly intertwined in society, fathers have learned to become more crafty in the kitchen. Fathers can make cooking less intimidating by having fun with it! Give him pop quizzes on different recipes, cooking techniques, and utensils. A rule of thumb is not to move too fast; start with the basics like Macaroni and Cheese before tackling Rack of Lamb.

Treat a Lady

Dating is an experience that helps young people develop social skills. Fathers can play a part in their son’s social life by teaching them how to act on a first date. Opening the car door and bringing flowers are several pointers that fathers can go over to help them make a good first impression and earn “gentleman status.”

Change a Tire

Anyone who has ever been stranded on the side of the road with a flat tire knows how humiliating it is. Therefore, it’s a good idea for fathers to teach their children how to change a tire. Whether you need a spare tire now for storage or just need information for future reference, the website Simple Tire has the solution to every tire maintenance need.

From driving to shaving, these simple tips should help prepare young men for the awkward transition into adulthood. In addition, fathers will learn how to have better relationships with their sons, creating a stronger bond that will last a lifetime.



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