Today’s university-bound high school students face more competitive admissions than their parents. That means your child needs to show colleges more than just good grades, excellent test scores, and admirable extra-curricular activities. They need to present themselves in the most favorable light possible. Of course, applying to university is an exciting time for every student. They will likely be moving away from home for the first time, meeting new friends and professors, gaining new skills and knowledge, and exploring their future career options. The transition can be overwhelming, but with the proper support, your teen will feel confident as they leave high school and enter this exciting next chapter of their life.
Research the schools you’re applying to
When students begin to research colleges, their first instinct is often to look for the school with the highest ranking. However, that’s not always the best approach. Every college is different, and your student’s chances of admission and financial aid will vary widely depending on the institution. Therefore, when choosing the best university for your child, you should focus on their fit with the institution. Researching the specific requirements of the colleges your child is applying to is another critical step. Different universities have different needs, and your child must be sure their application complies with each institution.
Start compiling a portfolio of achievements.
College applications highlight that pursuing a degree is not just about the future but also about the path your child took to get there. Therefore, students should start compiling a portfolio of achievements as soon as possible to add to their application portfolio.
Build a solid resume and strong letters of recommendation
The originality and quality of your child’s resume will play a significant role in the admissions process and is one of the best ways to set them apart from other applicants. Your child’s resume should summarize their achievements, skills, and interests tailored to their specific field of study and career path. Strong letters of recommendation will also set your child apart from their peers. Choose carefully, maintaining good communication with your child’s recommender to ensure they have the information needed to write an effective letter. If you want to ensure that aspects such as this in your child’s college application are as well-constructed as possible, consider using Ivy League College Admissions Services that can consult you and your child on their application.
Help your child write an excellent essay
Writing an essay is every student’s worst nightmare, but it’s a necessary evil of the university admissions process. Most institutions will ask your child to write an essay outlining their personal and academic motivations for pursuing a degree at their institution. It can be tricky for students to write about themselves, so you should provide help or seek help from teachers at your child’s current school. You can also help your child brainstorm ideas and choose which topics best suit their background and ambitions. If your child has a specific field of study they’re interested in pursuing, help them narrow down the options and choose an appropriate topic. If they’re more interested in the general study, suggest they write about a meaningful experience that has shaped their outlook and goals.
Don’t forget: It’s about more than grades and test scores
Even if your child earns excellent grades and has a resume full of extracurricular achievements, they won’t get into a university if their application isn’t tailored to that institution’s specific requirements. Again, your child must choose their path based on their fit with the school, not their ranking. Your child must carefully select extracurricular activities, ensure they are relevant to their field of study, and be actively involved in activities. If your child is struggling to find an extracurricular activity that fits their interests and abilities, help them find and join groups that interest them.