5 Ways to Get Your Family To Eat Healthily

I have done everything I can think of, both as a mom and a grandmother, to get my family to eat healthily. Talk about challenging! I mean, seriously, what does a parent/grandparent need to do? Do I need to go buy my own gummy molds to make gummy vitamins just to ensure they get their daily vitamins? Or how about using molds to put their vegetables in and make them believe they are candy? Even though it may seem like an uphill battle to get your family to eat healthily, there are some ways to push them in the right direction that actually work! Read on to learn all about how!

Photo by Louis Hansel on Unsplash

Make Sure There Are A Variety of Fruits and Vegetables In The House

Fruits and vegetables are a key part of a healthy diet. They are important sources of vitamins and minerals that help promote brain health, vision, and immune function. They are also great in helping to lower the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, breast cancer, and Type 2 diabetes. Plus, there are a variety of recipes that can blow your mind, and they’re all healthy and low calories too! If there is nothing to snack on besides fruits and vegetables, if they get hungry enough – they’ll eat them!

Create a Meal Plan for the Week

I will be the first to raise my hand and say I am absolutely HORRIBLE when it comes to putting together a meal plan. Meal planning can be difficult for many people (hello!), especially for families with children. However, a meal plan can help alleviate the problem of everyone finding time to connect with each other by providing a list of meals for the week.

These days there are more and more apps that can help you create a healthy meal plan for the whole family. Meal planning lets you already set up everything to make, and gives you a shopping list of what you need if it’s not on hand. It also sets expectations with the rest of the family, so they can look forward to their favorite meal.

Cook with Whole Ingredients Not Processed Foods

There are many reasons to cook with whole ingredients rather than processed foods, including the fact that there are fewer preservatives and chemicals. Cooking with whole ingredients also provides more nutrients for your body as well as better taste. Another advantage is convenience; you don’t need to prep everything beforehand. Usually, whole foods are going to cost the same as canned goods too.

Eat Out Less to Keep the Whole Family Healthy

Eating out has become an easy and convenient option for people looking for a quick meal. Unfortunately, eating out is not the healthiest option and can actually be detrimental to your health. This is because you’re not controlling what goes into your meal, which can cause weight gain, digestive issues, and other health problems. A salad at a restaurant can be 1000 calories, but if you made it yourself, you could expect it to be a fraction of that amount.

Avoid Fast Food Chains as Much as Possible

People tend to eat fast food more often than they should. Fast food chains are known for their drive-through menus, low prices, and convenience. However, fast food can be harmful to your body and has been linked to serious health problems such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. You can avoid these risks by eating at home & limiting your fast-food trips to once a week or less.

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