Most teens are itching to break free from parental control. They’re desperate to flex their independence and prove that they’re capable yet they’re still too young to really know what they’re doing. Being a good parent means guiding them to a safe harbor. You have to help them understand the world.
Here are seven conversations you need to have with your teenager.

1. College
College is an admirable goal, but it’s not right for every student. A solid trade school can teach your child how to be successful and might be a better option. Or your teen might be able to come up with their own plan for work.
However, if college is the goal, you need to have that conversation in college. There are specific things that your child should do. Sign up for extracurriculars, get an SAT tutor, etc. The environment is competitive.

2. Relationships
Like it or not, your teen is going to form romantic relationships. You should try to become a safe harbor where they can talk about their feelings. According to Hand Law, a criminal defense attorney Denver, “domestic violence doesn’t have to be physical violence. Studies show that 57% of college students say abuse is hard to identify.” Teen relationships are subject to the same perils as adult ones. Young people are often vulnerable, making them prey for someone else.
If your teen is an abusive or troubling relationship, hopefully, they will reach out to you.
There are also amazing teen relationships. These deserve a conversation too. Proper family planning is very important.

3. Self
Teens are still figuring out who they are. It isn’t a linear process. A simple conversation about how they’re feeling can help ground them, make them feel as though they’re understood. You can talk to them about how they’re feeling about themselves, what they think about the world.
Having healthy self-esteem as a teen can lead to lifelong happy effects. This conversation won’t be simple. But it can be very enjoyable.
4. Responsibilities
Will your teen get a part-time job? Do chores around the house for money? Receive a set allowance? Whatever you decide to do, you need to have a real conversation about it. That way, there won’t be any confusion about disappointed expectations.
Teens need money. Modern life offers a lot of amusements. Festivals, concerts, parties. Even picking up a few snacks after school takes cash. Most parents decide that their children should have to do something for their money, even if it’s just keeping their room clean or loading the dishwasher.
5. Family
At some point, your teen should know the truth about your family. This may mean that you have to divulge a few ugly family secrets. However, it’s much better than if your teen hears the story from your mouth rather than someone else’s. Everyone deserves to know who their family is. And in this day and age, it’s become easy to figure it out. You can order a DNA test online for less than $100. A teen might stumble upon information that their parents didn’t want them to know.
6. Future
What are your expectations and hopes for their future? Discuss them. You can’t force a young person to do anything. However, you can try to give them advice that they can use to mold their future. Being a parent is a delicate balance between being a friend and a mentor. When you’re ready to talk about the future, try to do so in a low-pressure way. Too much parental pressure can cause children to feel stressed out and anxious about the future.
Try to not to have too many expectations. Teens are still learning who they are.

7. Morals
You should also have a deliberate discussion about morals. Those are the frameworks which your child will use to build their lives. Without a strong moral purpose, it’s very hard to stand upright in the world. You’ll be confused and uncertain where you should be determined and strong. Your moral character is, in part, formed by those around you. Living with strong people will rub off on you. Passing your morals onto your children is one of your duties as a good parent.

When you’re a parent, you have to think about your child’s future. To do that, you have to prepare them. That involves conversation. Being an involved parent takes commitment and dedication but it’s absolutely worth it. Your child will grow up to be a useful member of society. You’ll be able to take pleasure in your family as you age.