7 Incredible Bathroom Renovation Tricks

Bathroom renovation takes a lot of time and nerves. Nevertheless, it is something that you do every 20 years so you might as well do it right.

When it comes to renovation, we put a lot of emphasis on design. At the end of the day, same like other rooms in our home, bathroom needs to create a feeling of comfort and relaxation. Also, it needs to look clean. This is precisely why most of the people opt to go with light colors.

You don’t have to follow such a pattern. You can create any interior design you want with these 7 simple tricks.

7 Incredible Bathroom Renovation Tricks

1.  Rethink Your Walls

A lot of people have a bathroom that is too big or too small. This is precisely why you should rethink dimensions of your bathroom. If there was ever a time to tear down the walls and move boundaries of one room, this is the time. However, you do not have to go for such a drastic measure. You can go with something simpler like adding holes in the walls which can later be used for cosmetic products. Your imagination is the only limitation.

2.  Change Up Your Lights

Most people still choose simple yellow light bulbs for their bathroom. Some are more modern and use white ones. No matter the case, you shouldn’t think in terms of the others. If you have a dark, styling bathroom you can put dark blue lights. This will create an amazingly romantic atmosphere that all young couples will love.

3.  Less Is More

There is no need to add several cupboards and a big medical cabinet. This only ruins your interior design. Use the bathroom the way it’s meant to be used. You can always remove some of the items and place them in other rooms. Bathroom is one of the rare spaces in our house (especially if you have a big family) where we can get some solitude. Make the best out of it.

4.  High Shelves

What most people do not realize is that bathroom can still be functional with just a few shelves. Due to the fact that we are used to cupboard, we think they are necessary. That is incorrect. It is possible to have the same level of functionality with several shelves placed on your walls. If you wish, you can position them a bit higher so you get some additional space and prevent children from reaching dangerous items.

5.  Big Rug

If you wish to create a bathroom on a budget, you might consider getting a rug which will cover entire bathroom. Any way you look at it, you will have a rug so why don’t you go full force? This will allow you to get cheaper tiles for your floor (which otherwise can be really expensive). Just make sure that there are no leaks or accumulation of water.

6.  Get a Shower

As much you love tubs, they are not the most practical thing. They are very specific and can adapt only to a handful of different bathroom designs. On top of that, they take a lot of space. So, unless you have a lot of money and space, it is much better to go with a shower.

7.  Sliding or Regular Doors

Sliding doors are becoming increasingly popular when it comes to bathroom spaces. They save some space and you can open them easily. Their only drawback is that you cannot place towel holders on them. Have that in mind when planning your perfect bathroom.

These simple tips will make you a bathroom renovation master. Regardless of your final decision, make sure to consult an architect to see if your brainchild is feasible.

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