7 Perfectly Awesome Gifts for Your Party Master


Everyone has that one friend who never gets tired of social gatherings. Responsible though she may be in her regular life, when the weekend comes, you can always find her telling stories at a house party or dancing wildly at the bar. He was active in his college frat and has enough energy to see the sunrise ― as long as the music is pounding and the drinks are flowing.

Well, when the party master in your life has a birthday coming up, you don’t need to worry what to get. Here are seven awesome present ideas to help him or her keep the party going.

1. All Sorts of Solo Cups

Undoubtedly, your party master has sipped from a red plastic cup. It is a party staple, like cheap beer and top-40 music. As Scientific American argues, the red plastic cup is integral to the American drinking experience. However, you and your partying friend might be surprised to learn that the typical 16-ounce cup isn’t your only red plastic option.

To ensure your friend drinks from the appropriate plasticware, you can give him or her:

2. Iconic Drink Holders

Perhaps your friend has surpassed the era of red plastic cups and is in dire need of another drinking apparatus. Thankfully, there are dozens of other devices perfect for keeping a beverage cool and safe during a raucous party. Flasks have been the drinker’s holder of choice for centuries, as they keep liquid close and contained. You can get your party master an engraved flask to make the gift more customized, or you can make the gift a bit wilder by exchanging a flask for a personal drinking horn, which is $25 from Uncommon Goods.

3. Smartphone Camera Lenses

If your party master isn’t taking pictures to remember his or her night out, it’s probably because her phone’s camera isn’t equipped with lenses that make pictures pop. Lens kits for smartphones revolutionize a person’s selfie game, and there are a number of outstanding options on the market. Olloclip makes some of the highest quality smartphone lenses, but each type is between $70 and $90. More affordable options can be found at Best Buy and Amazon, but you should be wary of spending any less than $20 on optical devices.

4. Bluetooth Speakers

The equation for a party is simple to a trained party master: People plus music equals fun. You can help your friend have a party anywhere with travel-ready Bluetooth speakers. The world of sound has progressed rapidly in recent years, so you can find some amazing sound emitting from teeny-tiny speakers. The UE Boom 2 ($197.99 plus shipping from Amazon) comes in funky colors and is completely waterproof, making it a party master’s dream machine.

5. Vaporizer or E-Cigs

Experienced partiers tend to love their vices, but cigarettes are as dangerous as they are unpleasant for other people at a party. You can encourage your friend to switch to a more enjoyable nicotine device by giving him or her a rechargeable e-cigarette. Vaporizers contain no tobacco whatsoever, instead producing water vapor imbued with various satisfying flavors. Plus, your party master will love practicing a new party trick: cloud chasing.


6. Cool Lights

Few people enjoy a well-lit party ― unless it’s a barbecue. Even then, it doesn’t hurt to have some interesting lighting around. While the disco ball and lava lamp might have gone out of style, there are dozens of other lights that continue to amaze party-goers, including strobe lights and lasers.

Light gloves (about $10 plus shipping from Amazon) are some of the coolest new accessories for the party set, and your friend might love the opportunity to become more dexterous and graceful with his or her fingers. If you can get enough people in on the gift, you might be able to afford these jaw-dropping cloud lamps ― but you also might want to keep those for yourself.

7. Ice Molds

Ice can be boring, or ice can be a conversation piece. You can give your friend the gift of awesome ice with different ice molds, depending on his or her interests (besides partying, of course). Party stores, home goods stores, and geek stores purvey a number of styles, including:

  • Perfect spheres
  • Legos (bricks and minifigs)
  • Star Wars icons (like C3PO, R2D2, frozen Han Solo, and more)
  • Shark fins
  • Diamonds
  • Mustaches
  • And literally hundreds more

So now you have an amazing list of products your party master friend will absolutely love, and some great ideas for YOUR next party as well! Have some more great ideas? Share them with us in the comments!

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