If you’re going on your first caravanning adventure over the coming weeks, you’re going to love this post. In it, we provide some helpful bits of advice to keep you safe and happy on the road as you travel in the wild west. Check them out below.
Learn Your Vehicle
While you can tow a caravan on a standard license, it still requires skill. After all, you’re pulling something behind you that is at least as large as your regular car, if not bigger. What’s more, it seems to have a life of its own, able to wiggle from side to side on the road as you drive along.
That’s why a lot of first-time caravanners take courses. There’s no legal requirement to do so, but it can reduce stress tremendously.
Follow Your Packing Checklist
If you have a packing checklist, make sure that you follow it to the letter. If you don’t have one, find one online instead.
Go through each item on the list and check them off individually. If you forget something, you may inconvenience yourself enormously.
The best way to plan is to make a spreadsheet where you break down all the things you need to pack into categories. Caravanning enthusiasts have templates that you can download, allowing you to simply tick off what you’ve packed (or what you don’t need).
Don’t Feel Like You Have To Listen To The Advice Of Experienced Caravanners
If you’re new to caravanning, it can be tempting to take what experienced caravanners say as gospel. However, in many cases, they are guessing, based on their own limited experience. They don’t know everything.
Sure, go with their recommended site, but don’t feel like you have to visit the same bars and restaurants as them as well. Make your own choices and discover the lay of the land for yourself.
Go Through Your Setup Routine Before You Travel
Dress rehearsals might be annoying (and a bit of a chore), but they’re well worth it. You can quickly find out whether you’ve forgotten something or need to buy extra equipment.
Try parking up your caravan, unloading all your stuff, and cooking a meal. If you need to, bring the dog with you for a little extra authenticity. As you go through the process, you’ll soon discover bits and pieces you’ve forgotten.
Take It In Turns
If you got a DUI in Woodridge recently, you’ll want to make sure that the same doesn’t happen again. That’s why it is so important to work in teams. If one person has had a drink, the other should drive, and vice versa. Remember, in some countries, the legal limit for alcohol content in the blood is zero, particularly in Europe.

When communicating with each other, speak loudly and clearly. There will be some jobs, such as pitching the awning, that you’ll need to do with the help of a partner.
Get Going Early In The Morning
When caravanning, you want to make the experience as pleasant as possible. That’s why it’s such a good idea to get going as early as you can so that you can avoid the crowds and hit the open road.
The number of drivers on highways between 5 AM and 7 AM is generally low, particularly in rural areas. You can use these times of day to move from one site to another, avoiding traffic, heat, and stress. You can then spend the best part of the day lounging under your awning, reading a newspaper, or cooking over a fire.
Go Slow
Caravans have an annoying habit of swerving from side to side. In many cases, they correct themselves, but sometimes, this lateral movement can get out of control. In extreme cases, it can cause the caravan to topple over.
To prevent this from happening, go slow. Keep your speed under 50 mph and don’t feel pressure to go right up against the limit. If you notice the caravan starts wobbling, ease off the gas a little and give it time to correct.

Cost is another consideration. Going much more than 50 MPH will also eat into your fuel consumption. Caravans are essentially large windbreaks that you attach to the back of your car, so when you go significantly above 40 mph, they cause the engine to work much harder.
Do Some Pre-Travel Checks
Make sure that your caravan is safe and secure before taking it out on the road. Check that:
- The windows and doors are locked
- You’ve nailed down anything loose that could move around such as drawers
- The towing apparatus is properly secured and fitted
With all of these tips in place, we know you are going to have a great time on your next adventure!