Moms of the world – I know you have had to suffer the trials and tribulations of being taken for granted by the men and the children in your life. I digress – stay-at-home dads have to deal with the “taken for granted” issues as well! Have you had enough? Are you about ready to go on strike? We have a little help for you to get the message across.
Download these and use it as your desktop wallpaper. Then go watch Dr. Phil and eat bon-bons all afternoon. After all, you never do anything else, do you?
Perfect to print out and hang on the fridge, the front door, their bedroom doors … maybe stick one in their lunch bag in the morning. I’m sure you’ll come up with some creative ways to get your point across!
To underappreciated parents of the world – we understand!
P.S. You can find these and other designs created by me under My Creative Muse – my graphic design site.