General Tips to Help You Deal With and Prevent Pest Invasions

Pest invasions can get incredibly annoying especially if they’re affecting your everyday life. For some people, even the sight of a mouse scuttling across your floor is enough to send you into a permanent state of paranoia that makes it hard to sleep and continue living your regular everyday life. Unfortunately, every type of pest has its own solution for dealing with it and it’s vital that you seek out the proper solution to deal with them.

However, there are still some general tips and tricks that can help you deal with pests quickly and efficiently while also keeping them out of the house.

1. Understand Why Pests Are Appearing

Whether it’s a sudden incursion of mice or a long trail of ants in your kitchen, there’s always a reason why pests and insects appear in the first place. Here are a couple of the most common reasons:

  • You’re leaving a source of food for them
  • There’s water for the pests
  • You have left an entrance to your warm home
  • Empty areas of your home that are left to accumulate pests

So now that we have the four most basic and standard reasons why pests are appearing in the first place, we can start to offer some advice on what to do about it. Keep in mind that pests appear for many different reasons that might not be listed on this article, so it’s still important to get in touch with a pest control expert such as Economy Exterminators that can help you identify the pest and find the right solution to help you deal with it swiftly and effectively. They’ll also give you plenty of advice on how to prevent the pests from returning should you be worried about it.

2. Stop Feeding the Pests

Pests like to feed off anything that they can scavenge. This means they’ll dive into your bins, they’ll nibble at crumbs and they’ll clean your plates if you don’t do it yourself. A clean and pristine home doesn’t mean that you’re guaranteed to not have pests, but if you clean up their food source then it can be a major help in getting rid of them.

This is especially important in your pantry and your kitchen, both of which can be major sources of food for the pests. You should also consider cleaning up any barbeque equipment the night that you’re done with it so that it doesn’t attract pests, and if you have food and water stored in another part of your home (such as the garage or a separate storage room) then you may want to clean it up, protect your food sources and ensure that no pests can get inside.

3. Block Up Their Entrances

While it can be difficult to prevent certain small pests from getting into your home, it’s a good idea to seal up any holes and easy entrances that the pests have to prevent them from getting inside your home. This can be really difficult so it may be worth contacting an experienced pest control expert or even a friend to give you a hand. Keep in mind that certain pests such as mice and rats are able to squeeze their bodies through really small gaps, so even if it doesn’t look like they can fit into a hole, it’s worth sealing it up.

Some common areas where pests and rodents can get into your home include windows, skirting boards, floors, the roof and behind large appliances with gaps. Crawl spaces and your attic are also common areas where pests can invade your home and you should keep these areas in mind when doing an inspection.

4. Don’t Let Them Get Comfortable

If there are areas inside your home that are left untouched for a long period of time then the pests are, without a doubt, going to start making themselves at home. They’ll start to leave droppings around the place, they’ll find shelter and they may even bring sources of food back to those areas.

Some common areas include your garage, crawl spaces and any maintenance areas in your home such as small cupboards that house things like your boiler. These areas are common homes for critters and pests and should be swept, cleaned and inspected regularly to prevent an infestation from happening. The more diligent you are about keeping your home pest-free, the more likely you’ll be able to identify and stop a pest invasion before it gets really bad.

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