A Boy and His Dog

Here goes nothing! If you have been reading my updates on Facebook, then you know that the head testosterone carrier had a rare moment of sweetness last week on Black Friday. I came home from enjoying a wonderful day out with my sister to find a new Acer Iconia Tab 200 waiting on my desk for me. Naturally, squeals of joy could be heard miles away.

I decided to brave the app publication world this morning to see if there was a Blogger app for android and yup, got that. I have had so much fun playing with the many different apps out there that I might need a bigger screen to hold all the favorites…I have one screen for the kids with games, one for the man thing (who keeps trying to take the tablet back now to watch all his B-movies and Godzilla junk lol) and um yeah…the other three are all mine roflmao!

So this is my ‘first’ blog post from the tablet…showing off a photo of my eldest testosterone carrier and Mollyanna. This is the manner she greets him in every morning when we go in to wake him up. She will jump up on his bed and she’ll stare at him almost nose to nose and wait for him to acknowledge her…and then its on…puppy kisses galore!

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