A baby is born.
You become a MOM.
Life is changed forever.
A new life, inside, then out.
Kicks and flutters felt
Are now stretches and hiccups.
You bathe, you dress, you cuddle.
You burp, you change, you comfort.
You rock, you pat, you sing.
You Pray.
You don’t sleep, you forget to eat.
You forgot the last shower you had,
The last conversation with a coherent adult.
Yet a constant smile appears
When you look upon your sleeping child.
You teach, you guide, you scold.
You nurture, you love, you hug.
You comfort, you champion.
You recognize the little person they are becoming.
Your child grows to be a teenager.
You still hug, you still laugh, and now you cry.
You worry, you chaperone, you chauffeur.
They push, you pull, they push back.
You let go – slowly – eventually,
Although your heart still holds tight.
You worry about college and their future
Your child. Your baby. Out on their own.
Did you raise them right? Did you teach them all you could?
Did you teach them compassion, humility, responsibility, love, values?
Did you teach them the necessary life skills they will need?
From the tiniest embryo to the
Strong, independent, charismatic young adult before you.
Through all of the stages, steps, arguments, achievements,
Failures, bumps, bruises, broken bones, scraps and cuts.
The broken hearts, the crushes, the studying, the crying,
The laughter, the joy, the sorrow,
And so much more.
We love, we nurture, we guide.
We give, we support, we cherish.
We let go.
And once a year, we hope, that they remember it all.

Happy Mother’s Day
Original poem by Kimberly Miller