Affiliate Opportunity: unGlue

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We here at Life in a House love to bring you new opportunities and products that we think you’ll find interesting and that can help you earn income on your blog.


Our latest find is unGlue – available on Google Play and the App Store.

End screen time battles. Start better habits.

Too much screen time is a problem all parents face. Now there’s a solution that gives your kids the power to learn healthier habits — within your boundaries.

Everything you need to teach your kids how to balance their online time.

teach your kids to balance their time online

Yet still give them all the control they want. Almost.

[bctt tweet=”End screen time battles w/the kids. Start better habits. Give your kids the power to learn, within your boundaries. Join the unGlue affiliate program today!” username=”KimAtLiah”]

Kids love having the freedom to make choices. unGlue lets them track their own screen time, check their schedules, earn more time by doing chores, and even roll over unused minutes for another day. You set the limits on content and time. Everyone wins.

If you would like to work with the unGlue Affiliate Program team, complete the form below or click here.

In the interest of full disclosure – I will receive $2 for each blogger who signs up to participate in the affiliate program.

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