Avoid The Sink Germs

We wash dishes in our sinks every day. We use our sinks every day. So naturally, you would assume that your sink is a safe area in your home. It is an integral part of our hygiene routine – whether we’re doing dishes or washing our hands. Your sink, however, is the second dirtiest thing in your home. So what makes your sink unsafe? The answer is logical and surprising. The reason why your sink is most likely contaminated is that you use it frequently. The more often you use a surface, the more vulnerable it becomes to risks. In some aspects, your kitchen sink is even dirtier than your toilet.

So how can you make sure your sink is safe? We detail here some of the key focus areas to keep your sink clean and germ-free. 

Check Your Water Quality

Where do germs come from? Where are they before they reach the sink? It is fair to say that if there’s one thing we’ve learned during the covid-19 pandemic, it’s been to wash our hands properly. As such, it is unlikely that you will continue carrying the initial germs after washing your hands at the sink. As such, you can already assume that the germs you gain through washing your hands or doing the dishes live within close distance of the sink. The most obvious place is the last one people will check: Germs come directly with your water. Indeed, approximately 15 million U.S. households may use contaminated water as it’s off the grid. Additionally, even water provided by your supplier could contain bacteria and chemicals that are harmful to your health. Therefore, it’s worth testing your water quality. 

Reduce Unnecessary Contacts

How clean is your sink area? The chances are that the sink is less clean than it appeared. Why so? Because you will be turning the tap on with potentially dirty hands. The tap is the last thing you touch once you’re done washing your hands or doing the dishes. Unfortunately, that’s precisely how faucets can turn into a favorable terrain for bacterial growth. As such, it can be a good idea to look for smart taps such as the touchless faucets from Faucets Canada that are sensor-activated. But, again, the last thing you want is to touch a contaminated surface after washing your hands! 

Don’t Trust the Sponge!

In 2017, researchers in Germany published a study that shows that kitchen sponges contain more germs than your toilet. Researchers found 362 different types of bacteria on our kitchen sponges, and that includes sponges that are regularly cleaned. Thankfully, some bacteria were benign and would not cause any health issues. However, they also found large volumes of bacteria species with strong pathogenic potential. In other words, the sponge you use for your dishes or to clean your sink surface may be contaminated. Tests in laboratories revealed that you could microwave or boil a sponge to reduce its bacterial content. Unfortunately, other cleaning methods were not as efficient. So if you’re not sure whether your sponge is safe, you should probably change it! 

Hand Towels Are The Enemy

The first thing we all do after getting our hands underwater is to dry them on a hand towel. Here’s the million-dollar question for you: How often should you change your hand towel to avoid bacterial contamination?  Weekly? Twice-weekly? Fortnightly? Wrong. Experts recommend changing hand towels every day

Are you ready to turn your sink area into a safe germ-free haven? Hopefully, these tips can help create a safe environment for you and your family. 

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