Back to Basics

Have you ever just sat down and taken a look at your life and went, “I need to get back to the basics” and then wondered just how to go about doing so?

Life gets so hectic, so crazy, that often times we forget to just stop and breathe, you know?  So I am doing this for my own sanity.  I miss doing what I love – and that is creating and writing.  I never seem to have enough hours in the day to do all that I wish to do – and this is something that I have been working on since the beginning of the year.

So you will be seeing some changes around here.  I am going to be simplifying the blog and making it less busy.  Much as I would love to continue in the affiliate programs that I belong to, I don’t make any money from them, and a lot of people quite frankly find the ads rather annoying (or so I’ve been told).  I know personally I don’t really look at ads on other blogs unless they are pop-up, in-your-face annoying and I have no choice but to deal with them before I can read the blog post I came to read.  The blog design is going to be cleaner, lighter, less in-your-face, although I will be keeping my gal with the martini glass because, well, that’s just ME.

I’m also afraid I am going to be cutting down on some groups.  I belong to a variety of Yahoo groups, 41 at last count to be exact, and barely have time to keep up with any of them.  So I will be leaving quite a few of my groups as well.  There are several that I will remain in due to personal obligations, but the others I will have to put on the back burner until I am ready to be a willing participant.

To my friends on Facebook – please do not send me game requests.  I do not play any games on Facebook any longer.  I simply do not have the time to do so.  I hardly have time to read everyone’s posts – let alone start back up the game craziness.  I don’t want you to be sitting and waiting for me to send you this or that – because it simply will not happen.  I don’t receive the requests because I have the games blocked – so please don’t waste your time sending them to me, okay? 

I am getting back to designing and doing what I truly love – letters, wallpapers, tags – and the occasional blog design.  I may or may not start the blog design business back up – it depends on how my time is and whether the drive and inclination is still there.  With so many people out there doing the same thing – I’m sure there is someone more talented and experienced than I who would be willing to do your blog design.  We shall see though.

With the health issues that TMT is currently going through, as well as the health issues that J. is facing – I want to devote more of my time to them.  To helping them deal with what they are going through, to reading and learning more about the things that are affecting them – and that includes taking in a few seminars that are coming to town and doing some research.

In addition, as a member of several creative teams for some talented scrapkit designers, I want to be able to devote my time to creating with their beautiful work.  I am also currently the Creative Team Manager for Artistic Dreams Imaging, and I am devoting a good portion of my online time to making our creative team one of the best out there.

So changes are coming – and I hope that you will enjoy the new look when its finished!

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