Bearoy Back Seat Organizer: A Must-Have for Every Family on the Go

I love traveling and I’m always on the lookout for a fun activity or event that the entire family will love. The only problem with taking the entire family along is that I usually end up having to drag along half of our household – even for just a day trip! Here’s an idea of the items that we always end up dragging along with us when we travel away from home for just a day:

Mom and Dad

For the Teenagers

  • Cellphone with charging cord
  • iPod or MP3 player with charging cord
  • Headphones
  • Pillows
  • Tablet with charging cord
  • Gum and Candy
  • Sunglasses

Other Miscellaneous Items

  • Packed lunches
  • Drinks
  • Snacks (such as snack-size fruit bites, dried fruit, Pepperidge Farm Goldfish, Haribo Gummy Bears, Doritos, Pringles)
  • Drinks (Pepsi, Starbucks Iced Coffee, Monsters)
  • Paper Plates
  • Straws
  • Cups

Usually we take all of those items and they get dumped into one of my huge reusable bags that I use for grocery shopping. It then usually takes me about 15 minutes to dig through everything in the bag to find what I’m looking for. I’ve even tried separating the items into two bags – one for food and snacks and one for everything else. Still doesn’t help.

Bearoy Back Seat Car Organizer

So when I had the opportunity to review the Bearoy Backseat Organizer I jumped at the chance with summer staycations right around the corner and an entire list of day trips that I want to make around the state with the kids!

With duplicate cup holders and mesh pouches on either side of the organizer, I don’t have to worry about fights breaking out in the backseat because one teenager ate the other teenager’s snacks or drank the last of a particular drink. They also have room for their individual phones and music players; and the pocket in the middle will comfortably hold my tablet or our Nextbook Flexx 11. I love that there are pocket holes on the side so that you can still access the tablet ports without having to remove it from the sleeve. A really great feature so that it doesn’t get kicked under a seat or leaned on and broken.

I don’t have nearly as much packed into the organizer as I normally would, but I wanted to give you an idea of all the room that you have in this organizer. This is a must-have item for anyone who spends more than 15 minutes a day in their vehicle.

Check out all of the amazing features packed into this compact organizer.

Bearoy Organizer Features

Another feature I love is that I can still use the organizer even when we aren’t traveling. With three handy Velcro straps at the top of the organizer, I can hang it from a bar and use it in my home for a variety of things. I am considering hanging this next to my desk on the wall as a place to keep all those extra items taking up space on my desk as well as my own chargers and cords and phones!

Just in time for the upcoming travel season, you can purchase the Multifunctional Back Seat Organizer from Bearoy for just $29.99 – a savings of over 60% off their regular price! Get yours now while they are on sale!

You can find out more about the amazing Bearoy Organizer on their website or follow them on Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram and see how others are using their Bearoy Organizer!

I received the Bearoy Back Seat Organizer for the purpose of facilitating this review. As the owner of this blog, Life in a House of Testosterone, I am compensated to offer my opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. This blog may contain affiliate links. As the owner of this blog and main author, I always give my honest opinions, findings and personal experiences on these particular topics or products regardless of any compensation for posts or advertisements. Life in a House abides by the word-of-mouth marketing standards and we believe in being honest and upfront with each of our readers. The views and opinions that I express on this blog are purely my own. If we include a statistic, quote, product claim or any other representation about a product or service – we urge you to verify it with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.

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