The Best Combination of Exercises To Manage Your Back Pain

Back pain comes in many forms. Some days it keeps us from taking the stairs, and other days it makes us feel tired. In any circumstance, back pain is often debilitating and always a nuisance. By matching the right exercises to each back pain experience, you can maximize success in managing your chronic pain.

Experts at Laser Spine Institute suggest spinal exercises you can do at home to ease the complex mechanisms that may be causing you to suffer from back pain. Our suggestions for exploring Tai Chi, Pilates and Yoga can offer a fresh perspective on which combination of spine exercises can bring you the greatest relief.

1. Pilates

Photo by sazztastical via Flickr

A body conditioning exercise modality developed in Germany aimed at building flexibility and muscle strength based on medical gymnastics to assist in restoring health. This is achieved through concentration, control, center, flow, precision and breathing

When to use for back pain:

If your back pain presents you with flexibility issues, Pilates might be for you. Pilates helps restore flexibility especially in the pelvic and lower spinal region. Researchers at The European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitative Medicine found that patients who feared activity would make back pain worse, but those who engaged in Pilates experienced reduction in low back pain over a six month period of time.

Favorite app to try:

Perfect Pilates Body offers people at all levels a chance to learn at their own pace. It’s a great way for back pain sufferers to begin their practice at home with the help of a family member and track daily pain reduction.

2. Tai Chi

Photo by Michael Hren Photography Hren Design via Flickr

Known as “push hands,” this Chinese-developed exercise system originated as a martial art and later become practiced for its total body health benefits. Benefits are achieved through flowing movement, breathing and meditation.

Best time to try for back pain:

A randomized and controlled study found that Tai Chi improved persistent back pain over a 10-week period of time. If back pain is creating instability issues, tai chi is the exercise for you.

Favorite app to try:

3D Interactive Tai Chi offers the user a real-life experience by offering a glimpse from all angles making it easier to coordinate flow of movement. For the beginner, this app allows you to repeat movements until you get the hang of it.

3. Yoga

Photo by Grand Velas Riviera Maya via Flickr

The practice of yoga, which began in India, is a series of poses used to achieve physical and mental well-being. It focuses on achieving this through meditation and movement.

When to use for back pain:

Experts at Harvard review reported that through the use of props such as blocks, belts and blankets, yoga is safe and therapeutically useful for lower back pain. The study, funded by National Institutes of Health’s National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, found that 42 percent of participants experienced pain reduction. If you’re experiencing back pain that travels, such as sciatica, give yoga a try.

Try it from anywhere:

If back pain plagues you, getting to a class may be difficult. Try Yogaglo online for your first yoga resource. The online classes offer beginner to advanced making it convenient for you to excel and your back pain diminishes over time.

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