Guest Post: The Best Way to Clean Your Stainless Steel Appliances in Under 5 Minutes

Guest Post: The Best Way to Clean Your Stainless Steel Appliances in Under 5 Minutes

I am jumping up and down with joy today. I have an awesome guest post today for my readers from Nancy, editor-in-chief at Nancy shares cooking tips and recipes for busy people. Today she is sharing her tips with us on the best way to clean your stainless steel appliances (fridge, stove, and dishwasher) in under 5 minutes. You all know how much I hate to clean, so anytime I can get some cleaning tips that only take 5 minutes I’m in there!

How many of us have dreamed about those shiny brand new stainless steel appliances (SSA) for our kitchens…. However, just like anything, even stainless steel appliances get dirty eventually too. Those greasy finger prints and dried out water drops are simply unavoidable! You know what I’m talking about!

We have tried many expensive and inexpensive cleaning products for SSA. The result is wasting hundreds of dollars, multiple hours in cleaning all over again and in search for the next “potential” cleaning method.

So to save your time and money, we are sharing the best solution to get rid of those unwelcome greasy marks off your appliances. It’s such an easy and quick way to clean. The best part of all: You probably already have all tools at home.

What you will need: Dish soap, a Cloth, Paper Towels


1.  Add a few drops of dish soap into a damp cloth and wipe in circular motion (like drawing circles)

Cleaning stainless steel

2. Rinse the cloth thoroughly with water and wipe away the soaps from stainless steel appliances.Cleaning stainless steel
Cleaning stainless steel

3. When there is no soap left, dry the steel with a paper towel

Cleaning stainless steel

                        BEFORE                                                                     AFTER

            Cleaning stainless steel               Cleaning stainless steel

Which cleaning method do you use for stainless steel appliances?

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