I know that I’m a tad bit late with the new Blogger of the Month for July – but it is well worth the wait, trust me! Those of you out there who are fellow Facebook and Pinterest stalkers probably already know that I have a fondness for inspirational quotes and funny quotes and life-in-general quotes. It’s not always easy to find just the ‘right’ words for any given situation, and sometimes a half hour or so reading inspirational quotes helps to get your mind focused on what you want to say.
This month our Blogger of the Month is Paula from …and Spiritually Speaking. I happened upon her blog from an inspirational quote that touched my heart which was posted on Facebook by a friend of mine. Paula’s blog has inspirational messages touching on every imaginable subject from A to Z, and if you cannot find something within these pages to uplift your spirit and your heart, then you quite frankly need some new reading glasses!
Stop by Paula’s blog ( and check out her other awesome blogs as well! ) and leave some love and your own inspirational quote for Paula!
I wanted to let you know that I nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award go here for more details http://kathyshealthandfitness.blogspot.com/2012/0…