Bored of Your Look? Where To Find Fashion Inspiration

We can’t always love our look. Sometimes, we grow tired of the clothes we’re wearing and bored with our sense of style. But fear not, because you don’t have to settle for having a look that you’re not completely happy with. You just need to find some fashion inspiration, which, thankfully, can be found in a wide range of places, as we’ll see below. Take a look at a few of our ideas below, and you’ll be on your way to having a style that you love in no time.

Look Back in Time

It’s easy to get wrapped up in modern fashion styles, but remember this: trends come and go, styles last forever. If you’re looking for some inspiration, why not look back in time? And not to the ghastly early noughties, but back many decades. If you watch movies from the 1940’s – 60’s, for example, you’ll find plenty of styles that appear to have consigned to history. Of course, you’re not going to just lift the look directly from the screen, but you might see something that you can add to your usual clothes to create a fresh look.

Your Daily Commute

We live in a colourful, inspiring age, where people are generally free to express their sense of creativity through what they wear. This is especially true in the big cities. If you have a commute on public transport each day, then why take a look at what other people are wearing? If you see something that catches your eye, then you’ve got it – there’s no law that says you can’t draw inspiration from another person’s outfit. If you live in an area with many different types of people, then you’re likely to see a diverse range of clothing styles. Be bold, and don’t be afraid to try something new!

Looking International

Of course, if you’re bored with your own sense of style, then there’s every chance that you’re bored with whatever else in your city is wearing, too. But in this day and age, why confine to just what people in one area are wearing? You’ve got the world as a source of inspiration. Take a look at THE ICONIC Edition, and you’ll be able to see what’s hot in Australia, for instance. There are plenty of great fashions all over the world: take a look at what’s out there and broaden your horizons.

Social Media Snaps

You’ve got Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram all installed on your phone. Don’t just look up memes: take a look at what other users are wearing. On Instagram, you can search to see what outfits users are sharing using hashtags such as #streetstyle and outfitoftheday. Your next great outfit might just be a click away.

Hitting the Stores

Finally, don’t forget to take a look at the old tried and tested source of fashion inspiration: the stores. They put a lot of effort into figuring out what the next big thing will be, so take a trip downtown and you might just see something that you like.

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