Boys Will Be Boys: 4 Manly Experiences for Fathers & Sons

Boys Will Be Boys 4 Manly Experiences for Fathers & Sons

Most days, it seems like a boy’s world, and you’re just living in it. Everyone knows you’re the leading lady of the house, but sometimes you just need to reclaim your domain. Here are four ways to let boys be boys while you do whatever you want:

Hunting Excursion

Kick the guys out of the house and into nature with guns for the ultimate in manly glory. Guns have a forbidden allure that attract boys, and hunting provides opportunities to safely and responsibly use them. In other words, they’ll enjoy it. Hunting also connects your kids with mother earth, encourages fitness and turns them into outdoor enthusiasts (as opposed to being “couch aficionados”).

Learning to hunt will also foster life skills such as discipline, teamwork, sportsmanship, and achievement. offers a guide on how to introduce your kids to hunting. Together, the kids and their father can explore and observe the land and nature. They’ll learn about the rituals of a hunt, as well as state laws and regulations. And if you don’t mind fresh bloody meat in the house, the guys can bond over cooking and feasting on their hunted wild game. has a collection of game recipes for venison, duck, rabbits, and more. Huckleberry Grilled Doves, anyone?

Motorcycle Project

Years ago, it didn’t seem like a big deal to use your iPhone or tablet to babysit your kids. For one, they played educational games. Dinners at restaurants weren’t disruptive, and car rides were peaceful. But now look what you’ve done. Your kids have grown into video gaming addicts with Nintendo DS’s that have practically morphed into another appendage. The boys need a hobby, and your husband’s going to supervise.

That hobby? Restoring and customizing a motorcycle. Not only will building the motorcycle be a long-term project, the gang can show it off at motorcycle shows and (safely!) ride on country roads. Quarantine the boys in the garage with a little bit of elbow grease and tools. Immersed in their manly environment doing manly maintenance, your kids will learn about patience, discipline, responsibility, pride, and ownership. Shopping for motorcycle parts, building the bike and ultimately showing it off at a motorcycle show will create bonding experiences your boys will never forget.

Ropes Challenge

If your guys are adventurers who love to conquer a challenge, have them test their limits at a ropes course. Nestled in nature and surrounded by obstacles, the guys can face their fears and have fun while navigating a high and low ropes course. The ropes course is designed to promote leadership, problem solving and perseverance. Experiencing a ropes course can also help curb sibling rivalries and household fighting. They’re going to have to practice teamwork, interdependence, trust, and communication — as loving brothers. The ropes course can help restore self-esteem, too. They’ll come home (hopefully) strong, confident and happy.

Wild Man Weekend

Girls weekend! With the men of the house away on a white water rafting adventure, you can finally spend time with the girls. Okay, being alone in a quiet house with a bottle of wine actually sounds more appealing than a crazy girls weekend away. Even if just for a couple of days, you can be the royal queen.

Sending your husband and kids off on a weekend-long white water rafting and camping trip isn’t completely self-serving though. Boys are energetic creatures. Unless you offer an outlet for that energy, your sons are wild horses caged in stalls. Riding down the exhilarating falls of a river will surely unleash any repressed energy. Along with guided rafting trips, rafting companies typically offer other aquatic adventures for people who feel really fearless. Encourage your husband to take the kids paddleboarding, kayaking, canoeing, and climbing. The goal? Really drain the kids of energy for their arrival home.

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