I’ve coined a new phrase – BTISA – Boo That It’s Sunday Already! I mean really – where in the hell did the weekend go? Shoot, I swear the gremlins stole a day from me this week. It just went by way too fast for my liking. Although, I have to admit, been a bit of a bum all weekend since The Man Thing has been off with the guys doing his fishing thing … as long as he brings home some yummy catfish then I won’t mind that he’s been gone all weekend. The poor guy works his tail off all week, I can’t begrudge him a little “me” time on the weekend!
Want to see what I’ve been doing? This has been command central this weekend!
That’s pretty much where I have been all weekend and where I plan to finish out the weekend watching the Gypsy Sisters and the beach folk from Myrtle Manor tonight. If you’ve seen tweets or status updates from me this weekend, you can bet they came from right there on that couch!
I need to finish reading this week’s Style Weekly. I got sidetracked with television and didn’t get a chance to finish. If you live in Richmond, reading Style Weekly is like an unspoken commandment. Anything and everything worthwhile knowing about our fair city, you will find in this magazine!
Well, friends, it is almost time for Gypsy Sisters to come on, so I’m off to take the last load of laundry from the dryer, throw some food at the testosterone carriers that should be just about finished baking in the oven, and then sit back and relax and watch TLC till The Man Thing gets home and regals us with his fishing tales of the one that got away!
Have a great evening everyone!