Capital One: Excitement is Building for the Banking Reimagined Tour

I am so very excited to tell you about what I’ll be doing tomorrow. I am going to be attending the Capital One Banking Reimagined Tour at Short Pump Town Center at 10:00 a.m. If you’re in the area, please come join us! The tour bus is going to be at Short Pump Town Center from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on March 18 and March 19 here in Richmond, Virginia.

What’s So Special About Capital One?

I know y’all have seen the Capital One commercials with Jennifer Garner and Samuel L. Jackson. Me, personally, I knew Capital One had an amazing credit card division, is one of the largest employers here in Richmond, that you could get home and auto loans, but I had no idea that they are so much more than that. They can help your business, small or large, with your finances and investments and they have a commercial division too.

Planning for Retirement with Capital One? Yes!

What really intrigued me though – and something I definitely want to learn more about tomorrow – is how they can help you plan for your retirement. 

When I was working as a legal assistant, I always had a 401k plan with my employer. The kids came along though, left my job, needed money when we first started out as a one-income family, so the 401k was cashed in and that was the end of that. 

The same thing with hubby. When he was working at the Science Museum of Virginia he had an awesome 401k retirement plan. Same thing happened. Life got in the way and the 401k was cashed in.

No problem we thought. We were young (our late 20s, early 30s) and figured we would have plenty of time to start saving for our retirement again. Well guess what happened? Life happened, and I just turned 50 this year and hubby turned 58 this year. We are fast approaching our retirement years and guess what? We have nothing to fall back on.

That’s a scary thought.

We constantly struggle from pay check to pay check, and need to plan 6 months or more in advance if we even want to think about taking a vacation.

So I’m excited to hear about all the great ways that Capital One can help us get our finances back on track. Be sure to stay tuned for the report on my fact-finding tour tomorrow!  

Thank you Capital One for sponsoring this post! This is a paid endorsement. All opinions are my own and were not directed by Capital One. To learn more about Capital One, visit OR

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