How To Get a Loan When You Have Bad Credit
If you have bad credit, it is not the end of the world. A loan may be just what you need to improve your credit score.
Raising a family means knowing how to manage your finances and money. We delve into what that looks like for singles as well as couples and families.
If you have bad credit, it is not the end of the world. A loan may be just what you need to improve your credit score.
It can be debilitating when you lose your job. Pick yourself up, look to the future, and put these tips to use.
Having a monthly money day is a great way to review your current expenses and see how you can cut costs.
Tips on how to manage a frugal lifestyle and save on the must-haves.
If you happen to inherit a house, here are a few ideas on what to do with that investment.
The total U.S. consumer debt is at $13.51 trillion. Here’s how to get out of yours faster.
If your child is about to become a first-time homeowner, here are a few options for you as a parent.
It might be too early for you to retire right now, but it’s never too early to start thinking about retirement and your future.
One of our jobs as parents is to secure your child’s future to the best of your abilities, and does not stop when they turn eighteen. Be savvy enough to do some proper financial planning as early as possible to take care of them later in life.
In today’s market, you need to do your homework if you are planning on selling your home to ensure you get the right price.
If you want to know how much that new car or used car loan is really going to cost – check out this formula to calculate your final car payment and plan the celebration!
You have to spend money to make money, but that doesn’t mean you need to take financial risks.
To save money at home, it can sometimes be a complete lifestyle change for some. With these tips you can make clever adjustments without affecting your comfort, health, and wellbeing,
As the grass gets greener in the cannabis industry, more and more investors are looking to capitalize on the potential growth of the cannabis industry. Here’s how to survive the growing competition.
Having trouble with your budget? The envelope style budgeting system might be a lifesaver for you. It worked well for my grandparents and parents and is a favorite method of ours here at Life in a House.
If you are noticing one of these four signs in your life, you may be suffering from money anxiety disorder. (Yes, it’s a real diagnosis). The next step is taking control of your financial and mental health, one step at a time.
When you are looking at programs and services to help your business, a consulting accelerator might be one of them. Here is what you need to know before hiring a service or purchasing a program.
A short term loan can be a great financial tool – if you plan ahead and know that you have the means to pay the loan back within the time frame agreed upon.
Where you live will affect your finances. You’ll either be able to save for a rainy day or you will be surviving paycheck to paycheck. Here’s how to do your homework first to see how your finances will be affected at that new address you are looking at.
If you have extra cash, investing in commercial property can grow your portfolio by leaps and bounds. Here’s how.
You’ve just purchased a new home – congratulations! Now you have a mortgage, and mortgage payments. Follow these steps to keep the mortgage and other bills balanced and budgeted.
There are times when you find yourself stuck in a situation where you have to put an expense on your credit card, but these are items you should avoid using your credit card for.
Money doesn’t have to be the root of all evil or disrupt your relationship if you know how to manage it.
If you have an entrepreneurial dream, what’s been holding you back? Don’t wait, let’s do this and make your dream a reality!
It is possible to use credit cards without completely ruining your finances. Check out these tips to keep you on track with your credit card debt.