Newly Single Parent? Your Life is Just Beginning!
Becoming a single parent can be scary, but we show you how to make it a new beginning and deal with what’s ahead.
Let’s face it – these kids were not born with a owner’s manual to tell you how to fix a broken heart, or deal with attitude. Parenting is hard work, and not for the faint of heart.
No matter what you might be facing, if we’ve been through it, you will find our thoughts on the matter or tips from the experts (because we were too busy hiding in the closet with the chocolate and the wine to deal).
Becoming a single parent can be scary, but we show you how to make it a new beginning and deal with what’s ahead.
Our world pulls us in multiple directions at once on how to parent. If you’re struggling, here are a few tips to help you become a self-assured mom.
Being a good parent means being a safe harbor for your teen and helping them to understand the world. Here are 7 conversations you need to have with your teen before they leave home.
You found out your pregnant. Take a few minutes to breathe and then start reading to learn how to prepare for a baby and make this a joyful occasion.
Don’t beat yourself up for wanting to return to work after a baby or raising your kids. Here are five great tips to make it less stressful for all concerned.
We all know that kids don’t come with instruction manuals … and neither do parents! How do you know if you’re doing this parenting thing right? Be a positive influence in these areas of their lives.
Do your kids have a phone glued to their ear or shoved in their face 24/7? Get them off their phones with these hobbies that they should be doing instead.
Too often society has boxes that it wants to fit each of us into. As parents, we need to encourage our children to turn their dreams into reality, and ignore what society says they should, or shouldn’t, be.
If you feel as though you’ve lost your mojo, chances are you need to start taking better care of yourself. Just because you’re a mom, doesn’t mean that you don’t deserve a boost to your happiness and emotional wellness now and again.
Love is a key ingredient to being a brilliant mom, but there are many other aspects of parenting that you need to juggle as well. We discuss a few today to help you become a brilliant mum!
Talking to children about alcohol is difficult. Here are some tips to help you have the conversation your child needs you to have with them.
My teenager has a bipolar disorder. It does not define who he is, it is just something he needs help to manage. As a parent, it consumes my world as I try to be everything he needs.
Conviviality is finding an activity in which you can lose yourself and build something real and be in tune to your community. Are your children being convivially active?
My teen is dating. Few things send shivers down the spine of a parent like those four words. We have some words of advice to help you through!
If you’ve ever tried to get a teen to do something, you know it takes an act of Congress some days. Keep them active & healthy, even if they don’t do the chores!
Every parenting bond is unique. Even within the same family; you can have a very different relationship with one child…
So you’ve graduated college, congratulations. Now it’s time to clear out your dorm room and go home to prepare for…
As an adult, you may not fully understand the pressure put on teens by social media, unless you yourself are…
Bullying comes in many different forms but they are all totally unacceptable and can be deeply distressing for the victim.…
Stories lamenting the unfortunate level of devotion that teens have to entertaining everyday technology, are easy to see. It isn’t…
For most parents, there is nothing worse than hearing their baby cry hysterically. You naturally want to do all you…
Getting your personal life in order is so important for modern parents. You have to make sure you come up…
There’s something I need to talk with you about tonight dear readers – something I’ve been meaning to write about…
When someone mentions child safety, the first thing that pops into most people’s minds is keeping them safe from abuse.…
When you start a family you don’t consider your home to be a danger zone. This is, of course, because…
Many parents feel a mixed set of emotions when they see their teenage child sitting behind the wheel of a…