When Kids Scare You
J. is my eldest testosterone child – and the one with ADHD and ODD. He is as sweet as can…
Let’s face it – these kids were not born with a owner’s manual to tell you how to fix a broken heart, or deal with attitude. Parenting is hard work, and not for the faint of heart.
No matter what you might be facing, if we’ve been through it, you will find our thoughts on the matter or tips from the experts (because we were too busy hiding in the closet with the chocolate and the wine to deal).
J. is my eldest testosterone child – and the one with ADHD and ODD. He is as sweet as can…
There are days when everything runs smoothly in the household, and then there are THOSE days. You know, the days when you are on the verge of a breakdown and can barely hold it together. This is one of those days.
Being a parent is a joy and a blessing most days. This is not one of those blissful parenting moments.
Here goes nothing! If you have been reading my updates on Facebook, then you know that the head testosterone carrier…
I’m dealing with something profoundly personal at the moment – and damn near had a mini-meltdown. Somebody once told me…
Moms of the world – I know you have had to suffer the trials and tribulations of being taken for…
I’ve not been sleeping well for the past several nights, and true to form, last night was no exception. Hubby…
I always respected my parents – I may not have always agreed with what they thought or told us children…
Do you deal with personality clashes between your children? I have always embraced the differences in each of my boys…
When you are a mother, you want to protect your children from all the bad in the world. You never…
I know that it has been awhile since I posted – hope you all have missed me! I have been…
Jamie greets every morning with a smile, out of bed when the alarm sounds. With coffee in hand she takes…
Today’s been a rough day for me for some reason. Might have something to do with the late nights to…
I am drowning in a myriad of feelings at the moment – the most prevalent being helplessness. J. just returned…
I am still in tears as I sit here and type this post. I just finished watching “A Smile as…
Those of you who have followed The MAD White Woman and TBK Designs know that my eldest son, J., has…
I know there are more times than not when I probably come across as the type of mother who just…
They are not going to make it through the summer – and they are not even out of school…
I have never truly been able to understand what it is like to be the youngest child as I am…
(I know you are wondering just how many posts I plan on making today…I promise this is the last one,…
Yesterday afternoon was “exciting” to say the least. I ran around like a chicken with my head cut off, attempting…
Becoming a mother is one of the most amazing things in the world. My reflections on raising my own children. Original poem by Kimberly Miller.
I raised a daughter with minimal issues. When my first son was born, and then my second three years later – I quickly realized just how clueless I was to deal with puberty in adolescent boys. This is for the rest of the clueless moms out there.
An update as to how the Mom Is On Strike campaign is going. I think they are getting the hint.