4 Health and Wellness Trends To Get On Board With This Year
Navigate the health and wellness industry confidently with research-backed trends like Vitamin B12, cold plunge tubs, planking, and mobility exercises.
Ring in the New Year with exciting celebrations, resolutions, joyful gatherings, festive parties, and hope for a fresh start ahead.
Navigate the health and wellness industry confidently with research-backed trends like Vitamin B12, cold plunge tubs, planking, and mobility exercises.
I prefer setting challenges versus resolutions simply because they don’t need to be completed in a certain time period. Here are 3 challenges to set for yourself in 2023.
There are a few different ways to cut down on sugar in your diet. Be vigilant and stick by your resolutions and you will see the pounds drop to reveal a healthier you!
Looking for an exceptional gift that will help your recipient be less stressed, focused, and happier? Visit Pen Heaven for all your pen and journaling needs!
When you put what you truly want to the side and focus on the day-to-day tasks that need to be done, it can rob you of your joy. Here are 6 ways to increase your happiness this year.
Over the past several years, our homes have become spaces where we spend a lot of time. There are a host of different home projects to add to your 2022 to-do list to make your living space the best it can be.
One of the best ways to keep your home, office, and family organized is with a terrific planner. Here are a few 2022 Planners from Tools4Wisdom that we think you will love!
Make one of your top goals this year to become debt free. We have 8 steps to becoming debt free that will save you thousands.
With everything going on in the world right now, its easy to forget the global catastrophe that is in motion, climate change.
Always make sure you are spending your money in line with your goals, and not just throwing it away on something else.
These are the three treatments set to be popular in 2020. Have you considered any of these?
If you have been neglecting yourself this year, make self-care a priority in 2020 for your health and well-being.
With some simple planning and reviewing your finances honestly, you can become debt free this year and started on the road to having a healthy financial future.
If you are looking to gain financial independence this year – we’ve got three great tips to help you greet 2019 from a place of financial independence and security in this post.
Blood circulation is one of the most important functions of your body. Young and old alike can suffer from bad circulation, so here are our top tips for keeping your circulation moving.
We all know that resolutions made are usually resolutions broken. However, if you set small attainable goals for yourself to be happier and healthier in the new year, these health resolutions will actually make a difference.
If you’ve settled in to 2018, we have a ton of stuff to look forward to this year – from tech trends to cultural highlights to keep on your radar.
You don’t necessarily need to get a second job or a side-hustle to earn more money this year. These few steps will have you on the path to earning more at work this year.
One popular resolution every January is to give up alcohol, hence the phrase “Dry January.” If you’re attempting to kick the alcohol this year, we’ve got some great tips for you.
Make sure you pay attention to these three parts of your garden this year, and in so doing create a better home.
New Year’s is a time to celebrate a fresh start and to celebrate the holiday traditions that have been passed down through the generations. We’re sharing two new drink recipes that pair beautifully with our holiday traditions.
Join our brand new Facebook group, Journaling with Life in a House to start 2018 off right and grab our journals on sale thru 1/5/2018 at 18% off when you use discount code NY2018 at checkout!
Planning on spending some time in England this winter? There are plenty of reasons to pull your wellies on and get out there to enjoy the current weather they have now; just switch out the usual day attire for the wintery version and enjoy the season.
We all feel the pinch after Christmas! January and February are often spent trying to recover some of the money…
2017 is upon us and every year, millions of people set resolutions and vow to be better people. Most fade…
With the New Year right around the corner, weight-loss and exercise are two of the top resolutions people make every…