CEFC Dominican Republic Mission 8/17 to 8/24

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I am helping to support my brother-in-law, Ken Breidigan, on a mission he has been called to by God. Below is his personal letter, and you can view the letter sent out by the Christ Evangelical Free Church here.

Hello, my name is Ken. I am a regular attendee at CEFC. I am a relatively new believer. I came to Christ 2 years ago. After struggling with drug and alcohol addictions and living a Godless lifestyle for around 15 years. Which is to say that I have wasted half of my life chasing after and worshipping false idols that only left me empty and hopelessly lost. I am living proof of how a personal relationship with Jesus Christ will change every area of a person’s life. I am a new creation, I have been born again. I was blind and now I see.

I really believe that God wants me to go on this trip, for some reason that is unknown to me. It is the only thing that makes sense. I’ve never done anything like this. I don’t travel. I’ve never flowin in a plane. I don’t speak any other language. I’m not outgoing or a people person. I kind of feel like I live in a shell. I have been praying for Jesus to help me change this. I pray that He will use me. I want to serve Him by serving others.

I am really excited about this trip and to find out the reason why He has laid this on my heart.

I am excited for my brother-in-law as well! This is an awesome chance for God to work miracles in several lives, so I’m asking for your help. The cost of the trip is $1,300 per person, plus an additional $8,000 to build and furnish a home for Ramon Morales (known as Niño) whose home is much smaller and in worse shape than most of our sheds here in the United States. Niño is the security guard at the school in Punta de Garza and has been there as long as anyone can remember. Niño’s new home would be right on the grounds of the school.

I have set up a campaign page on Crowdtilt with a donation amount of $205 set to be raised. How Crowdtilt works is you pledge your desired amount, but you are not charged a cent until we reach our donation amount. If the total amount is not reached or “tilted” then you are not charged a cent.

You can find the Crowdtilt campaign HERE or you can download the PDF version of the Christ Evangelical Free Church letter HERE and mail in your contribution. Every little bit helps, and we thank you for supporting this worthy mission to change the lives of so many in God’s name.

Even if you are not in a position to donate anything at this time, the Crowdtilt campaign will remain open till 11:59 p.m. on August 9th, and you can share this post or the campaign itself with your friends and family. Please help spread the word … and THANK YOU!

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