Compelling Reasons To Consider A Career In Health Care

If your present job offers less room for advancement, it is best to consider a new career elsewhere. A US study indicates that more than half of US workers feel unhappy in their current jobs. However, if you are looking for a rewarding career to make a difference in people’s lives, you may consider working in the healthcare industry. If you are not convinced, here are four compelling reasons to consider a career in the health field.

The Earning Potential

Money certainly isn’t everything, yet it is a primary concern when choosing a career or making a switch. Financial relief can help smoothen the not-so-good moments that come with work. Consequently, a study in May 2020 indicated that employment opportunities in the health care sector are expected to grow by 15% until 2029, with an average annual income of $69,870 in occupations like dental hygienists, registered nurses, and physicians, which is comparably higher than those in other industries with $41,950 average annual income.

Potential Flexible Work Schedules

Since people require medical assistance every time and night, many roles in the healthcare industry come with flexible working hours. There are few opportunities to work shifts during the night and possibly remotely if applicable. For instance, registered nurses are known for enjoying the most unconventional schedule benefits. However, they are not the only healthcare employees who enjoy flexible working schedules. Others include pharmacy technicians, home health aides, collaborating physicians, and others. Therefore, if you are a nurse practitioner looking to enhance your career, you can apply for an online MSN program.

Never a Dull Moment

Have you wondered why there are many TV shows about health professionals and hospitals? The success of several TV shows like ER, The Resident, Grey’s Anatomy, among others, are based on the fact that the healthcare industry is a thrilling, dramatic and ever-evolving field. It remains a fast-paced, challenging industry that allows you to meet and network with people from various backgrounds and walks of life. If you are all about adrenalin and challenge, you’ll never experience a similar day twice.

Demand Is ALWAYS High

It is common knowledge that the world requires more doctors. The demand for medical professionals is likewise high in the US. The Bureau of Labor Statistics report projected a 7 to 12% growth in employment opportunities for physicians and nurses by 2028. Last year’s pandemic outbreak did little to help matters, with many countries reporting a shortage of healthcare workers. While the situation may be manageable in some developed countries, it is far from the case, particularly in continents like Asia and Africa. The situation has been reflected in EU policies where restrictions are relaxed when employing foreign nationals in the healthcare sector.

While health care offers a vast amount of career choices, medical jobs are not for everybody. Do your due diligence and research the sector to find suitable careers that don’t only interest you but suit your skills and financial situation.

Photos courtesy of Gustavo Fring and Karolina Grabowska

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