Could You Donate Something Greater Than Money?

Donate Food to Your Local Food Bank

How to Donate Something Greater Than Money

You don’t need to have money in your wallet to give back to the world. There are many things that we can all donate in order to make a difference to people’s lives. If you’ve been eager to do something charitable but aren’t in a financial position to donate lots of money, these donations could be just as precious if not more valuable.

Donate Food


Some people are financially struggling to the point that they cannot even buy food. It’s for this reason that food banks exist. Many of us have untouched tins of food and soup that we can easily part with – this could help to feed someone in need. You can also donate teabags, pasta, rice, biscuits and cereal.


Next time you give your wardrobe a clear out, don’t just chuck out those old clothes. Donating it to a charity shop could be an easy way of raising some money for charity without you having to part with a penny. There are also charities in which you can donate your clothing for other people to wear in third world countries who may not have the money to afford basic clothing such as footwear and even underwear.

Donate Filled Backpacks with School Supplies

School Supplies

There are also schools in poverty-stricken countries around the world that could benefit from receiving your old school supplies. Many of us have no need for old textbooks and they tend to gather dust in the attic when they could be helping someone in a third world country to gain access to an education. There are many charities to which you can donate your school supplies.  


Donating eggs and sperm could help those with fertility problems to experience the wonder of having a child. These are reproductive system by-products that many of us take for granted. It’s worth reading up on the donation process whether it be sperm donation or egg donation steps. Clinic staff will be able to book a consultation to see if you are a suitable donor and whether you are truly comfortable with the process.


Becoming an organ donor allows permission for your organs to be used after you die to help potentially save someone else’s life. Compared to many donation processes, becoming an organ donor is easy and requires you to simply fill out a form online. You will then be given a card to sit in your wallet that tells everyone that you are a donor, plus you will be put on a database than any hospital can use in the future.

Donate Blood


If you’re not squeamish when it comes to blood and needles, you could also become a blood donor. Hospitals constantly need blood of all types to help people who have suffered heavy blood loss as a result of an accident or surgery. This is another example of a small donation that could save someone’s life.


Believe it or not, you can also donate your hair. Real hair is used to create lifelike wigs for people with hair loss conditions such as alopecia or those undertaking chemotherapy. There are many charities set up for this purpose – this is likely to make more of a difference than simply donating to a wig manufacturer.

We hope that you’ve found some unique ideas here for donations that you and your family can offer that mean so much more than just a monetary donation.

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