February Instagram Challenge

Join our February Instagram Challenge! February 1-February 8, #mysweet2014, with hosts @grownandhealthy and @lilhomesteader

Starting tomorrow, February 1 2014, we will be hosting our second official mini-Instagram challenge: a clever way to meet new people on Instagram and have fun in the process. Participation is easy: every day throughout the week you’ll post a picture on Instagram using the themes below. The first day do #1, the second #2, and so on. Be creative with it and don’t worry about posting the “right” or “wrong” things– it’s all just for fun! Just make sure that you tag #mysweet2014 and your co-hosts: @grownandhealthy and @lilhomesteader so we can all see what you post!


  1. Follow @grownandhealthy and @lilhomesteader on Instagram
  2. Take a daily picture using the themes below, tagging #mysweet2014, @grownandhealthy and @lilhomesteader in each so we can find your posts easily!
  3. Check out the other posts under the #mysweet2014 thread each day to see what other great bloggers (and you great readers) are posting as well.


Join our February Instagram Challenge! February 1-February 8, #mysweet2014, with hosts @grownandhealthy and @lilhomesteader

Want to find out who else is participating in the challenge? Link up your Instagram account below so we can follow each other more easily! Everyone is welcome to participate, the more the merrier. This is a blog hop, so any other bloggers are welcome to post this to their websites as well.

Important: The Instagram URL does not let you choose a profile pic from your feed, so be sure you have a picture you can upload! If you get a “Error: The requested URL returned error: 500″ that just means it can’t find a picture to use, it does NOT mean that your link is bad. Click on “Direct Image URL” if you have one or “Upload from Computer”.

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