Fight Toxins with Seventh Generation

Disclosure: This is a post on behalf of Seventh Generation as a member of Mom Bloggers for Social Good and compensation was received for this post. All opinions, however, are my own and may differ from your own or those stated in this post. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR Part 255, “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

As I have mentioned several times, hubby has very sensitive skin and we are finding that Tre has the same pre-disposition to be more sensitive to certain cleaners, soaps and laundry products as well. There are certain things that will cause hubby’s breathing to become extremely labored and difficult, and still other things that cause him to break out in a rash from head to toe.

So I am always on the hunt for products that are natural and to talk with companies about making their products greener and more human-friendly. Which brings us to this post. I have used Seventh Generation products in our house with great success. I am pleased to be able to assist them in gaining the 100,000 signatures they have pledged to receive to show Congress that we – the parents of the future generation – want a cleaner, safer, healthier environment for our children. It needs to start with YOU and ME.

Fight Toxins Campaign

Seventh Generation is working tirelessly to reform the Toxic Substances Control Act which was passed into law in 1976 and has never been updated. Nearly 40 years have gone by and there are now over 80,000 chemicals currently available for use in the market. These chemicals which are used to make products sold in the United States (like that toy your child is holding or the food container you packed your lunch in today).


 The EPA has required very few of these 80,000 chemicals to be tested for their impacts on human health and the environment. Would you let your child put a toy in their mouth that could possible cause them cancer or Alzheimers later in life? I didn’t think so. Neither would I.


What Reform Must Do

  • Require new and existing chemicals to be assessed for safety with mandatory and enforceable deadlines
  • Establish safety standards for chemicals to protect children and other vulnerable groups
  • Ensure the public’s right to know about the safety and use of chemicals
  • Give the EPA the authority to protect the public from unsafe chemicals, including expedited action for the most dangerous, toxic chemicals
  • Allow states to maintain laws which exceed federal protections to safeguard their citizens

If we do not stand up for our children and our grandchildren, who will? Join the Fight Toxins Campaign right now and become a Toxin Freedom Fighter. All you need to do is add your name to the petition and enter your email address. It’s that simple. It’s that easy. 

What are some methods you have used to keep your home as chemical-free and earth-friendly as possible?

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