Fighting Depression

For most of March, I have been fighting off a really bad bout of depression.  It would be easier to do if I could say “this is causing it” or “that is causing it” but there is no one thing that I can put my finger on.  That’s what makes it so difficult to deal with.  Therapy might be a helpful solution, but it’s so expensive!  Sometimes health insurance will pay for it – if you have a good policy.

I am the type of person where, if I know that there is a problem with something I do what I can to fix it.  If I cannot find the cause of the problem though – how can I fix it?

So I am fighting it off the best way that I can by listening to my body and giving in to what it needs – mainly sleep it seems because that seems to be all that I want to do is sleep.  So once I finish battling this invisible monster – hopefully I will be back to my usual self again.

One thought on “Fighting Depression

  1. Aww Babe, sorry to hear that you are having such a time of it. :=(I have been busy building my first blog! I took a class last Monday night and have a blog that I am working on set up. Eventually I will add it to my parked domain with others as well.If you want to check it out, it is I thought it was an ok name since it was done literally on the fly and madder than a hornet having hefted my walker down a few flight of stairs!Love you tons babe! If all else fails; catch me on my blog as if I am online, chances are that is where I am. I had to leave the one tube special group due to finances and not really taking advantage of what I had paid for anyway. Love ya! Come visit me for a bit. 😀 Would love to have ya. Am thinking of starting a blog on blogger about the zoo. Then when I get everything set up on the domain I can just move them all over.Hugs,~Jazzi~

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