Getting In The Mood

Some people have a hard time getting in the mood – for anything – like me. So I always have to have some sort of incentive in it for me to be able to get done what I need to get done.

So you need to put your thinking caps on for this one. What is something that you really want? A day at the spa? Peace and quiet for just a few hours to read that new book? A shopping spree to buy some new things for yourself, the home, the kids?

What about the kids, the husband-thing? They live in the house too – why should they be exempt from pitching in and helping out? The only excuse for their not participating in our spring cleaning week is broken bones, deathly ill, or too young to follow instructions. If none of those apply, then think of something that the entire family will enjoy as an incentive to help out … maybe a trip to the local amusement park?

Personally – the only thing I’m able to get the testosterone carriers to pitch in with is cleaning their rooms – and that is not without considerable amounts of nagging. However, if you sweeten the pot with, say, a day at the skate park or a trip to the river to run around like maniacs and explore the trails and playgrounds – you’d be amazed at how quickly they get on board and help with their little corner of the world!

My man thing feels that since he takes care of all the outside stuff, then I should be responsible for all the inside stuff. Yeah, I know, male chauvinist, but that’s him and there’s no changing him, so I’ve come to accept that and plan accordingly.

He pays for it in other ways.

How I get myself hyped up for something I need to do but don’t necessarily want to do is by setting a goal. When I finish doing ABC, then I get to do XYZ. The more distasteful the job, the bigger the reward. That the man thing pays for in the end. (Where there’s a will there’s a way ladies).

So once the goal is set, then I gather my implements for this round of torture – whatever it may be. In this instance, that would be gathering together all of the cleaning supplies that we need, and making sure that we’ve got everything that we need to go each day through the steps without having to stop … because the minute you stop, you lose your momentum and your drive.

Speaking of momentum and drive – CRANK THE RADIO. Nothing gets you going better than an upbeat song with a toe-tapping beat. Put on your favorite radio station before you begin any household chore and you’ll be amazed at how quickly you are able to get it all done!

You do not want to get sidetracked on your cleaning expedition – so declutter the day before. Grab a tote or laundry basket for each room. Start in the messiest room – anything that belongs in the bedrooms, kitchen, laundry room, etc. put into the tote or basket for that particular room. Go through the entire house and just grab whatever does NOT belong and put it in the basket for the room in which it DOES belong. If you’re house is bordering on a hoarder home – then just do 15 minutes in each room decluttering. It didn’t get that way in one day, and you can’t fix it all in one day … so don’t stress yourself about it. Just set aside 15 minutes a day for the decluttering of the rooms and you’ll be done in a week (or two) and then its just a matter of getting everyone to remember to put things in their proper places when they are finished with them.

Last but not least, today you need to set your plan of attack. We have seven days to clean top to bottom, and we are NOT going to do it all at once. I break my cleaning up by rooms:

  • Day 1 – Living Room and Entryway
  • Day 2 – Kitchen
  • Day 3 – Bathrooms
  • Day 4 – Master Bedroom
  • Day 5 – Kid #1 Bedroom
  • Day 6 – Kid #2 Bedroom
  • Day 7 – Laundry Room and Closets
I live in an apartment, so my room setup may be different from yours. Group your rooms together as necessary, but spread the work out throughout the week.
Tomorrow I will have a detailed list for each of the above rooms ready for you. You can then take them and print them off, and do the rooms in the order that you have planned out today.
…and remember, there is absolutely nothing wrong with having yourself a glass of wine after you’ve completed your day’s worth of cleaning! It’s the little treats leading up to the big treat that mean the most!

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