Getting Your Home Prepared For The Summer Heat

Prepare Your Home for the Summer Heat

Getting prepared for the summer heat

It feels like the winter chill has been with us forever, but spring will be with us in what will (hopefully) seem like no time at all. And from there, it’s a smooth train into summer and all the rich gifts that the sunny seasons bring.

Yet while there’s much to enjoy during the hot months, it’s also true that there can also be too much of a good thing. In the summer, this means too much heat!

While you can’t do much about the weather outside, you can control how much heat there is in your home. Take a read of our tips on how to keep your home cool during the summer, and begin making any essential changes now. If your home is well-prepared, you’ll be able to enjoy the season without being uncomfortable.

Sunlight Away

It’s those devilish sun rays that are causing all the trouble in your home. So what’s the solution? Don’t let them inside in the first place! During the hottest parts of the day, you’ll want to make sure that you have strong blinds that can reflect the sunshine kept pulled down. Take a walk around your home during the sunlight hours, and take a look what rooms receive the most sunshine. If the windows don’t yet have blinds, have some installed before springtime.

Outside Coverage

covered sunrooms

Of course, some people enjoy the light and spaciousness that the summer months provide. If you’re one of these people, then you won’t want to be keeping your rooms in perpetual darkness all day! Instead, take a look and see if there are any outdoor options available. If you installed a tarp, or wooden structure – one that perhaps has plants covering the top – that blankets the room in the shade but which doesn’t block out as much light, then you’ll have the ideal situation. This will also help let in that splendid summer air, giving your home the “living outdoors” feel that is so during the summer.

Cooking Outside

Everyone knows that one of the best things about summer are those lazy evening BBQs! But aside from just being an enjoyable way to spend a summer’s day, these also provide a function when it comes to your home. You see, while cooking up a storm in the kitchen will leave you well fed, it’ll also make your home extra toasty. This is a great trick in the winter when you want your home to be warm, but not in the summer! When it comes to making hot food, move outdoors. It’s much more fun and is the perfect excuse to get friends and family around.

The Home’s Infrastructure

It’s not just the little tips and tricks that’ll keep your home cool: your actual home plays a role, too! Have a look at your house, and see if it’s set up to stay cool. Most homes trap heat inside, and the owners don’t even know it. One of the best methods of keeping your property cool is to change your roof; a metal roof, for instance, reflects the sun rays, so they don’t even enter your house in the first place. Take a look at this website, have a metal roof installed, and you’ll find that it’s much easier to stay cool during the summer. It’s much easier to prevent your home from becoming too hot than it is to try to cool things down!

Hot air wants to circulate around your home. It’ll move from room to room, making your entire house feel unbearably hot! But what if the air isn’t able to circulate? Then it won’t be able to penetrate the property! Doing this is remarkably simple. Keep the doors of those unused rooms kept closed! They’ll be hot, but since you’re not using them, then you won’t notice it. And in doing so, you’ll be isolating the heat to just one portion of the home.

Replace the A/C

Your air conditioning is going to be your best friend during the hot summer months. How did people cope before it was invented? We’ll never know. But keep in mind that not all air conditioning equipment is created equal. If you’ve had yours for some years, then you might want to consider upgrading yours to a new model. Even if your unit is relatively new, it’ll be worthwhile having it serviced to check that it’s still working as efficiently as intended. If it’s not, then you’ll be paying expensive electricity bills for no reason!

Buy Plants

Want to keep cool, increase your home’s air quality, and make your house look pretty all at the same time? It’s possible! Fill your light rooms with plants. They’ll soak up the sun’s rays, and help keep those humidity levels in check! There are a few plants that are especially good for this purpose; in particular, aloe vera, the ficus tree, and the areca palm tree. And not for nothing, but there is a whole of other benefits to having plants around the home, including an improved mood.

Spare Rooms

You might have your bedroom exactly as you like it, but who says that you have to stay there every night? You won’t value your bedroom anywhere near as much if you’re tossing and turning all night because of the heat. If you have a spare room on the ground floor, then consider turning it into a guest room. Because heat rises, you’ll appreciate having the option of sleeping closer to the ground on those extra hot nights.


Low Energy Tech

We live in a tech world. Yet while all of those plugged devices serve a purpose, they also bring the heat! Take a look at low wattage devices and especially light bulbs. Some bulbs practically function as heaters, such if the heat they provide! And a room with too many screens and other plugged devices will be noticeably warmer, too.

Make the changes now, and you’ll be all set to enjoy summer in peace when it finally comes around.

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