The Gift of Giving

I believe in karma. I’ve seen it at work too many times to not believe. Not sure what karma is? The dictionary explains karma as “the total effect of a person’s actions and conduct during the successive phases of the person’s existence, regarded as determining the person’s destiny.” Simply put, every action you take in your life has an effect on the world. As my grandmother used to say, “you reap whatever you put out into the world.”  As I tell my kids, “what you put out into the world will come back to you tenfold” to teach them that being horrid, nasty, or spiteful only brings those things back to you. When you put forth an effort to be kind, loving, and giving – the world in turn will give those back to you.

I believe in giving to others. While I cannot always give monetarily to all the various causes that I support, I give back in other ways by helping to promote what I am passionate about, injustices of the world, or bringing to light situations such as the one I am about to tell you.

The Fuller Homestead

Mishelle Fuller is a fellow blogger that I have had the opportunity to work with. She is working tirelessly to help her parents keep the home that they have had for 16 years. It is not just a house, it is the only home that they have known. It is where their family was raised. To them, it is their world. They have taken in animals that would have otherwise been homeless or euthanized, so it is not just their home, it is their home as well. The house is not perfect, nothing special to anyone else, but it’s perfect for them. Unfortunately, they are about to lose it due to medical setbacks and financial setbacks from an economic depression. Being an individual who lost their ancestral home as well, I know all too well the pain of losing a home that you spent your entire life in, where your memories were made, where your heart resided.

Read their story here. They are not asking for handouts. They are asking for help to get back on their feet, and have every intention of repaying every single person who helps give even just a $1.00. They refuse to apply for food stamps, fuel assistance, etc. They understand that there are those in need of this help worse than them and they want those funds to be available for those people.

This is a family who believes in karma. They have opened their home to animals who needed love and to other people as well. They have allowed others who have had nothing to live there and have a roof over their head, food to eat, and a place to call home as well. They have always donated items from their bakery to local events, the food pantry and to people in general that they knew needed help.

So now it is our time, during this season of giving, to give them the gift of giving. They are working toward a goal of $25,000 in $5,000 increments. They have raised $459.00 to date. Mishelle has been raising funds since July 2012 for her parents. They are accepting cans and soda bottles, scrap metal, electronics, etc. to exchange for cash as well as cash donations. Anything that you can offer will be a blessing to them, and this is one family that definitely deserves our support.

God Bless, and Thank You for helping this family out in any way that you can. Even if you cannot give anything at the moment, share with your friends on your social media sites – get the word out. Every bit will help.

Merry Christmas to all!

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