Living in an apartment community, believe it or not, we don’t get that many trick-or-treaters in our neighborhood. I suppose the kids just don’t want to be running up and down three flights of stairs banging on everyone’s door to see who is handing out candy and who is not LOL!
My boys are a little over the trick-or-treat stage of going door to door collecting candy – well let me rephrase that – they love dressing up in the weirdest costume they can find – and then going out and acting like complete buffoons to collect candy and scare the bejesus out of everyone else out trick-or-treating!
I found these adorable Halloween gift baskets at Gift Baskets Plus that are perfect for those kids in your family (big and small) who love the candy but hate the walking! In true lazy mom fashion, I’m offering up some treats you can order and have waiting for the kids on Halloween so you don’t have to drag the minions off to the mall or around the neighborhood in the freezing cold or pouring down rain. Just a thought – wink, wink!
Happy Halloween Candy Gift Tote
It’s Halloween and time to celebrate the fun and sweet occasion by sending this adorable felt tote bag filled with mini Halloween candy bars, chocolate pumpkins and a Halloween themed Pez dispenser. Wrapped with a bright orange ribbon, and a plastic spider ring, this gift will delight the Halloween Revelers.
This gift basket includes:
- Halloween Themed Pez Dispenser and Candy
- Assorted Candies
- Novelty Halloween Bag
Black Cat Goodies
Perfect gift for anyone in the family with all of these delicious treats, and the cauldron is reusable so even if the kids do drag you out in the rain, they already have their trick-or-treat container ready for Halloween night!
Gift basket includes:
- Cauldron
- Plush Black Cat
- Orange and Black Swirl Lollipop
- Welchs Fruit Snacks 2.25oz
- Peeps Halloween Ghost
- M&Ms Peanut Candies 1.74oz
- Dots Halloween Candy
- Tom Clarks Popcorn 3.5oz
- Wonka Gobstopper 1.77oz
- M&M White Chocolate Candy Corn 1.5oz
- Plastic Round Pumpkin
You can find these and many more in the Halloween Gift Baskets section on Gift Baskets Plus! What spooky good fun basket is your favorite? Leave us a comment below and let us know!