Giving Back Blogger Series: Where Did My Posts Go?

I had to share this with my readers for those of you who may not know this. I knew this, should have remembered this, but it was one of those small Blogger “quirks” that I just completely forgot about. As a result, I have spent the past two days in an absolute frenzy trying to figure out why only two (2) of my most recent blog posts were appearing on my home page.
It was the result of AUTO PAGINATION – something that Blogger will do if you use large photos or you do not utilize the “read more” feature for your posts.
My post regarding the Richmond Metro Zoo was extremely photo intense, thus causing the auto pagination to kick in on my blog. And I completely forgot about it and have driven myself absolutely nuts the past two days trying to figure out what I did wrong.
Read this article. It contains excellent information on how to keep your blog from doing this – and save you time and energy and the need for an entire bottle of Excedrin.

About the Author:                                                                                 

Kim is a passionate blogger who enjoys writing about the antics of her testosterone carriers, family life with an ADHD child, hosting giveaways, writing honest reviews & sharing her blogging knowledge with others.
Follow her @ Life in a House of Testosterone | Google+ | Twitter | Facebook | Pinterest

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