#GivingTuesday is December 3


Are you guys about as sick to death as I am of the thousands of Black Friday and Cyber Monday ads that have been flooding your inbox for the past week or more? I’ve posted all that I can stomach at the moment. Unless a really great deal comes up (and I’m talking 50% off or more or buy one get one free offers) there won’t be any more coming from this chick because I’m sick and tired of them too!

Tomorrow is #GivingTuesday – and that’s what I am REALLY wanting to focus on. During the holiday season, so much of what we are bombarded with is commercialization of the holiday season. The true meaning – the very spirit – of the season has been warped, twisted, and beaten so badly that it is hard to find it at times. That is when our job as parents is at its most crucial.

The saying goes, “It takes a village to raise a child.” I agree, to an extent. However; that ‘village’ needs to have the same core values and principles as your family does. When it comes to the holidays, our focus should be on the act of giving, not the act of buying, wanting, begging or pleading for the hot toy of the year or the new gaming system or the latest fashion. It should be focused on giving back to those less fortunate, in any manner that we can.

I will be sharing with you tomorrow some tips that you and your family can look over and decide upon what is right for your situation and your family. Tips that will help you begin on #GivingTuesday and focus on that giving spirit all year long.

For one day, let us forget about the sales and the shopping and the decorating and the baking. Let us take a moment to reflect on the real meaning of the season – the gift of giving.

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