GSN Casino for Some Mom Time

This originally started out as a deals and savings post I was going to share with you in the event (like me) you were going to be out and about doing last minute school shopping over the Labor Day weekend. As you can see – that never happened. I want to talk to you about some mom time.

Getting Burned Out

These past two weeks have been a literal whirlwind for me, and I have a feeling that it is going to be at least another week or two before things settle down into some semblance of normal around these parts. I’ve been burning the candle at both ends, and as is prone to happen with me when I do that, I started to burn out, which I contribute, in part, as to what happened this past weekend.

My original plan was to do one child’s shopping list on Saturday, and the other on Sunday. However, when my daughter asked if she could tag along with, I saw the perfect opportunity to kill two birds with one stone, so we set out to do ALL of the school shopping on Saturday.

Epic Mistake.

The entire reason behind splitting them up to do their school shopping is so that they would not be fighting about one spending more money than the other, or complaining that one got a pair of sneakers that cost $20 more than the other child. Quite honestly – shopping with boys is ten times worse than shopping with girls any day of the week.

By the time we’d been to just two stores, I was in tears and had to leave the mall. I put my daughter in charge and I had to leave Burlington Coat Factory before I just erupted into a full-blown anxiety attack over the way the two of them were acting and the constant bitching and complaining about not being able to get $75 sneakers or being able to spend $60 on a pair of jeans.

gsn casino

Sneaking Some Mom Time

So I stepped outside, and these two items below actually saved me from a full-blown anxiety attack. I snatched me some mom time in front of Burlington Coat Factory with my cell phone and a cigarette and within 15 minutes, I was cool, calm, and collected again with just a few residual tear streaks on my face.

Deal or No Deal Slots

Let me tell you ladies, this game is SO addictive! I have it on my phone, on my tablet, its in my favorites list on Facebook. I play this game 24/7 when I’m not asleep. I absolutely love it! Waiting in line at the grocery store? Play some slots. Waiting for your teenager to make up their mind between the skinny jeans or the really skinny jeans? Play some slots. Waiting for the red light to change? Play some slots. Having an anxiety attack? Slam that spin button a million times and you’ll be right as rain again in no time. Trust me on this – you are going to love it! (I won 9 million tokens yesterday – just saying!)

gsn casino deal or no deal slots

Wheel of Fortune Slots

When you start to get low on coins in Deal or No Deal, head over to Wheel of Fortune Slots. I’ve been playing almost 3 weeks now and I’ve only had a handful of times where I did not win SOMETHING playing this slots game! If you’re lucky, you get to spin the wheel for extra coins!

gsn casino wheel of fortune slots

And yes, in case you are wondering, if you click on either of these images and sign up for them, I will make a few cents from each sign up. Quite frankly though, I should be paying you to sign up because that’s how much I know you are going to enjoy grabbing some mom time every chance you get with these two games!

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