Happy Birthday Midget Man

You came into my life like a breath of fresh air.  I was scared when I learned you were growing inside me; afraid that I wouldn’t be able to take care of you, love you, be there for you when you needed me.  But as you grew and I felt you moving inside my tummy, my love for you grew as well.  You became the whole center of my universe, because I knew you would be the last. You were going to be my little midget man.


Seeing you now, after having spent six wonderful years with you, I can not imagine my life without you.

Your smile just makes me all warm and fuzzy inside, and your laugh is so infectious, that I can’t help but to laugh with you.  Your kind and gentle spirit constantly amazes me, yet you know how to stand up for yourself.

You took your first tentative steps on my birthday in 2004.  That was a present you gave me that nobody else could.  You’re imaginative and sensitive, compassionate and kind, selfless, intuitive and sympathetic.  You’re hugs are the best gift you can give to anyone.  They always make us smile!

You are my little angel baby midget man.  I love you so very, very much.  You have Mom wrapped around your little finger and, unfortunately, you know this.  The little imp inside of you makes sure you use that knowledge to your advantage every chance you get!

So today, of all the days in the year, I wish you the most love and happiness.  The same gifts that you have given to me each and every day.

Mommy loves you sweetie.  Always and Forever.

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