Happy Mother’s Day Moms!

Sunday, May 12th, is Mother’s Day here in the United States, so I wanted to take a moment to wish all of the moms out there a very Happy Mother’s Day!

Some Mother’s Day Musings

(You know you weren’t going to get off that easy, right?)

My family’s celebration of Mother’s Day is usually hit or miss. Sometimes they remember, more often than not, they forget – even with the millions of reminders that I give them. Last year, I got all mushy and poignant in my Mother’s Day post, so I’m not going to do that this year.

The women who come in contact with your children on a daily basis – teachers, daycare providers, babysitters – those women who love your children as you do, who teach your children as you do – they are surrogate moms to your children in your absence and should be celebrated as well.

So I would like to take a moment to wish a Happy Mother’s Day to the wonderful women below who have had a lasting impact on one or both of my little testosterone carriers’ lives:

  • Lori Cross
  • Nancy Disharoon
  • Dana Pritchett
  • Betty Frisbie
  • Angie Young
  • Alicia Todd
  • Amy Woodward
  • Wanda Atkinson
  • Debbie Naumann
  • Suzi Tapper
  • Jaime Saunders
  • Stacie Johnson
  • Candice Squires
  • Tammi Blanton
  • Gloria Simmons
  • all of the wonderful teachers/staff at Mechanicsville Elementary & Stonewall Jackson Middle School

Each and every one of you deserves breakfast in bed for putting up with my two testosterone carriers over the years! Seriously though, each and every one of you has played a special role in their lives and in shaping my boys into the wonderful young men that they are becoming. You have loved them as though they were your own, cared for their many scrapes and bruises on the playgrounds, and helped to teach them right from wrong. So my love and thanks to each of you for being the wonderful woman that you are … so HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY TO YOU!

Emeril’s Mother’s Day Breakfast in Bed Contest

I so totally wanted to win this year. As soon as they announced that you could nominate moms for the contest, I threw my name into the ring and prayed I would win. I got up this past Friday early, got dressed, and did my hair and makeup … I just knew that I was going to see Emeril on Good Morning America lurking outside in the parking lot on television. Unfortunately, I didn’t win (this year) but a more deserving mom – Nicole Moore. I couldn’t have picked a better mom to win … so congratulations Nicole and a Happy Mother’s Day to you!

My Early Mother’s Day Gifts

The Man Thing gave me these for Mother’s Day today:

and when T. woke up, he gave me this picture that he drew in art class – the Imaginary Weiner Ninja. No, I am not kidding. That’s his name. (I’m still wondering how he slipped this past the art teacher without her realizing what it was he was drawing…)

What can I say? I love my kids. They are just as nuts as their mom!

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