Happy Thanksgiving!

To all of my fellow American Bloggers…have a Happy and Safe Thanksgiving tomorrow.  Allow bygones to be bygones, and move forward with the holiday spirit in your heart. Be thankful for all that you have, for the good friends and family by your side, and for having a Higher Power that you love and believe in. For if you have those simple things in your life, you have everything that you need.

And on another note – a dear friend of mine whipped this up this morning and I just had to share it with you all.


It’s the day before Thanksgiving,

children are running and tearing up the house,

I could only wish they were quiet as a mouse;

As I stand in the kitchen reviewing my list,

my little one Zoey, says Mama, Papa’s pissed!

I search for her Papa and what did I find?

He is up to his knees in her toys spread about,

as he screams and he hollers,

I’m gonna throw these things out!!

Seeing that he has all his ducks in a row,

out to the store I get ready to go…

but caught in the driveway who does appear,

but my youngest, our son John who bends my ear.

The day’s almost over, Thanksgiving soon to come,

I’m broke, my mind scattered, food waiting for prep

and all I can say is, Why can’t they help?

I sit and I wonder and what do I hear?

A vacuum is running, someone is sick I fear,

and so with a sigh I think on the day

and know to be thankful, its now time to say…

Come one and Come All, tomorrow’s the day,

give thanks for your friends and your families today.

Give thanks to our troops who are so far away,

defending our freedoms this Thanksgiving Day.

Eat your turkey, your stuffing, your veggies my dears,

for this domestic goddess is outta here!!

Happy Thanksgiving !!!

Wishing you all the love and happiness the holiday season brings all year long!

[ Poem Copyright Linda Childers of Artistic Dreams Imaging www.artisticdreams.us ]

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