Happy Thanksgiving 2015

happy thanksgiving 2015

A very happy and blessed Thanksgiving 2015 to each of you today! I am posting this early for those that will be traveling (please be safe – traffic is crazy out there!) and for those that won’t be online tomorrow. I hope your homes are filled with the joyful smells of baking pies, roasting turkeys, simmering cinnamon and oranges and laughter and excitement bouncing from every corner of your home.

I try to remain an optimistic, glass-is-half-full type of person all year long, and I have to admit there are times when it is really, really hard. A lesson I learned many years ago though, is to look for even the smallest of things that will make you smile in an otherwise horrible day. It not only will help you live longer, it reduces stress – something that the holidays seem to be filled with the older we get.

So remember, even if you burnt the turkey, the gravy bubbled over onto the floor, the dog tripped Aunt Jane carrying the pie to the table (which is now on the floor), and everyone had to go out to a local restaurant for Thanksgiving dinner this year – look for that small spot. The fact that you didn’t have to do the dishes, that you all have your health and could be together this year, that Aunt Jane didn’t break a leg tripping over Fido – whatever it is – it is there, waiting for you to discover it, to be thankful for it.

I know I don’t always get the chance to say it in each of my posts, but I hope that my readers know me well enough by now to know that they mean the world to me. Your comments, your emails, your funny chats on messenger – I cherish each and every one of them. I have made so many wonderful friends through my blog – friends I otherwise would never have met – and those are the dearest of all simply because out of a billion people in the world, you choose me. You found Life in a House of Testosterone and made an effort to connect and strike up a friendship. It humbles me, and I’m thankful that you did.

So today I am thankful for my family, my friends, and for you.


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